GHOSTS set to haunt London’s Orbital Comics in April

Cult Teaser

A new British arts collective called GHOSTS has revealed  plans to take over London this April, for a week-long underground comics exhibition. Featuring the work of seven writers and artists, the exhibition, called CULT, will be based on Orbital Comics and promises to fuse comics and music together for an occult-inspired comics showcase.

Comprised of creators Nich AngellPM BuchanOwen Michael JohnsonJames LawrenceJon LockMark Penman and Andrew Tunney, the GHOSTS collective are billing this as a turning point for British comics, which, as The Beat reported recently, hope to impact on the rest of the scene and usher in a younger generation of writers and artists.

“We’re thrilled to offer a different kind of event,” enthuses Owen of the exhibition. “One you don’t see a lot of anymore. Mischief in the grand tradition of underground comix. We’ve assembled what I believe to be a collection of progressive and visionary British artists, people that I’m proud to call friends. It’s going to be a riot.”

The GHOSTS are:

• Artist Nich Angell, probably best known most for his graphic novel 7STRING. Having published two volumes of the series, volume three is currently underway.

• Writer PM Buchan, the c0-creator of the Blackout anthology. He’s also the writer of La Belle Dame Sans Merci (see news story), which formed the inspiration for a free-to-download track by band For The Wolf.

Owen Michael Johnson is the writer of the glorious Raygun Roads, by day working at Titan Comics

James Lawrence is the writer and artist behind Dangerine – a series about a young boy who becomes imbued with the superpowers and costume of a tangerine – and has also drawn strips for Starburst.

Jon Lock is the creator of Afterlife, Inc, which crossed over with Nich Angell’s 7STRING for a big storyline called The Heavenly Chord. He is also the co-creator of The Six, the story of a world where the superheroes had all died, and the next generation found themselves having to live up to their reputation.

Mark Penman is the creator of Peabody and D’Gorath produced by SLG comics, a series which follows the eponymous supernatural antiquarians as they delve into mysteries relating to an otherworldly arms race. He’s also the co-creator of The Waste.

Andrew Tunney is a British Comic Award nominated artist, writer, and colourist. The second part of the creative team for The Waste, his debut self-published work GIRL&BOY was nominated for Best Comic in the 2012 BCA awards.

CULT begins at Orbital Comics on 14th April.

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