A Demon Regrets…

Take some fallen angels, a bit of fire and brimstone, a disgruntled immortal, a plan to out-deceive the Great Deceiver himself; throw in a slew of Michael Golden covers; and you’ve got the upcoming, highly anticipated mini-series Demon’s Regret nailed on a spike.

Germinating in the brain of writer Mitch Brown for over two years, the plot of Demon’s Regret, published by Digital Webbing, tags along with the one third of the fallen angels who decide to follow Lucifer in rebellion and war with Archangel Michael. But what happens to those angels that choose the path of evil rather than good? No pathway to salvation, no way of turning back once the die is cast?!

And, what happens if one of those fallen angels — demons — regrets his decision?

The story focuses on one such angel, Asmodeus, who, although he can never give up his demon status, chooses to assist with the commission of lesser evil to stop greater wrongs as an expression of his anger toward Lucifer. He has done so throughout history….as the reader will soon discover!

But what transpires if/when the boss discovers the ruse?

With shrewd dialogue and story structure from Brown, the interior art is provided by talented creator Wilfredo Torres, who made his first foray into comics on Terminus Media’s series of Evolution books.

Cover duties go to comics mastermind and upcoming Birmingham International Comic Show guest Michael Golden, who, with recent work on Iron Man, Exiles and more seems a perfect choice to bring some devilish dealings to the Demon’s Regret frontage.

Published by Digital Webbing, Demon’s Regret is described as “a unique anti-hero tale that fits in nicely with Digital Webbing’s themed books such as Bloodrayne and Bleeders, while also reminding us of some other anti-heroes in the comics lexicon who too sometimes use evil to combat evil… Unlike the guy with the skull on his chest and the AK47, however, Asmodeus has no choice.”

Demon’s Regret can be ordered from the Digital Webbing section of the Diamond catalogue, or directly from their website at: www.digitalwebbing.com

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