Artist Mike Collins joins toy designers for this year’s Roll Out event in Southampton

Roll Out 2013 Poster

If you're a fan of Transformers, G.I. Joe, Action Force, Masters Of The Universe or She-Ra, Princess of Power, then you need to get yourself to Jury's Inn, Southampton on the 12th and 13th of October for this year's Roll Out Roll Call / Twins Of Power event.

Guests this year include artist Mike Collins, who not only drew early issues of Transformers for Marvel UK but who in the past few years has surely become integral to the comic version of Doctor Who, both writing and drawing stories for Doctor Who Magazine and BBC Books.

Mike has been a writer and artist in British and American comic books for about 20 years, working on many key characters, including Slaine, Judge Dredd and Rogue Trooper for 2000AD, Batman, Star Trek and more.

He's also various Wizards of the Coasts manuals and, outside of comics, has done design work for animation & advertising and also illustrated for childrens fiction (Oxford University Press and Ladybird Books, again including Transformers) and worked on several educational projects using graphics to help promote learning.

Other guests at the two-day event include Palitoy designer Bob Brechin, a key designer for the Action Man figure, the legendary toy designer Erik Arana, comic artist Emiliano Santalucia, colourists Simon Gough and John Paul-Bove, Hasbro sculptor David Proctor, toy designer Catrina Cerise-Arana, illustrator Eamon O’Donoghue, Cereal:geek editor James Eatock and more. The full special guest line up is detailed here.

Single day tickets and weekend tickets are available to order now via this link, and you can also pre-order the exclusive Masters Of The Universe Classics Strobo too with your ticket.

More show announcements to follow, including presentation panels and competitions.

• You can follow both shows on their dedicated Facebook pages:

Roll Out Roll Call:

Twins of Power:


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