‘Balkan Comics Connections’ invades British comic shops

Balkan Comics Connections

While news stand title STRIP: The Adventure Comic Magazine is published by the now Croatia-based publisher, Print Media, most of its pages are taken up by art and story from British creators such as John Ross, Nick Dyer, Richmond Clements and many others.

Balkan Comics Connections is the first comics anthology published in English language dedicated to the artists from the former Yugoslavian region, available from Amazon soon priced  £12,99 plus postage, and also available in Gosh! in London and in Forbidden Planet in Glasgow and Edinburgh.

The artwork on many strips is simply stunning and well worth tracking down in its English-language edition.

Stories include “The Bear” (script by Steven Grant, art by Drazen Kovacevic), “Blood Ties” (script by Enrique Sánchez Abulí, art by Darko Perović) “Wine Road” (story and art by Yana Adamovic & Igor Kordey), “That’s The Way It Was In The Old West”  (by Igor Jovchevski), “Euroasia?” (by Aleksandar Zograf), “Helluva Ride” (script by Marko Stojanovic, art by Sinisa Banovic), “Soar Lady”  (Art by Goran Sudzuka), “Golden Fish” (art by Kresimir Zimonic) and many more.

Publisher Vlado Nik tells us this gorgeous-looking collection (which does contain some mature content) will be solicited through Diamond distributor in November’s Previews and he’s now looking at a second volume if this first sells well.

• Here’s some sample pages from the anthology, and you can find out more about it on the title’s Facebook page.

"The Bear" (script by Steven Grant, art by Drazen Kovacevic)

“The Bear” (script by Steven Grant, art by Drazen Kovacevic)

"Blood Ties" - script by Enrique Sánchez Abulí,  art by Darko Perović

Blood Ties – script by Enrique Sánchez Abulí, art by Darko Perović

"Helluva Ride", script by Marko Stojanovic, art by Sinisa Banovic

“Helluva Ride”, script by Marko Stojanovic, art by Sinisa Banovic

"Traces" by Stevan Subic

“Traces” by Stevan Subic

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