Brett Uren’s Kuzimu launched

Just shipped to UK comic stores is Brett Uren‘s spooky-looking Kuzimu (Volume 1), a haunting-looking title that is aimed at teen to mature readers.

“Possibly Vertigo,” Brett tells us, “or those that love Hellboy by way of Moebius, if that’s possible!”

Ku-zimu is the East African name for the forgotten world of spirits. An underground realm where the dead reside, overshadowed by oppression and war.

Pt’eros is a lonely reptilian traveler in the timeless, boundless place that is Ku-zimu, where the beliefs and memories of all cultures are given form.

Haunted by visions of the young Maasai boy that he was, events from his life play out before him. Powerful beings and warlords manipulate events to use or capture him, seeking Pt’eros’ gift to see and walk between life and death.

To escape the world of the dead, Pt’eros must face the ghosts of his life…

Brett’s passion for this project is undeniable, not only in the startling, challenging art and story, but also in terms of publication: he’s clearly worked hard to make sure this book is available not just in print (thanks to UKComics) but digitally, too. You can find it for iPad and iPhone, Kindle and  Issue 1 is available free on and elsewhere on the web – check out the links on Brett’s web site at

“I started writing and creating this world at the age of 15 and have been adding little bits to it ever since,” Brett reveals. “In late 2006, early 2007, I finally got the energy together to start writing and drawing it seriously as a comic book.

“Needless to say, the costs of printing it were astronomical, so I decided to publish it myself via my site, then via 215 ink and the online digital comic store at and now pre-order for print!

“So now it’s down to my prospective readers,” he urges. “My aim was to create a whole new world, so if you want to see more, please buy it. The more you help by getting the latest issue and telling your friends, the more I can put back into continuing to create this unique work!”

That said, Brett reveals he has just finished part 1 of ‘Ci-wa’ (face), the next chapter following both parts of ‘Yowa’ (fear), ‘Syoma’ (kindness) and ‘Lu-se’ (hope), so you won’t have to wait long for the exciting chapter in this (hopefully) epic tale.

Here’s a trailer for the book on YouTube…




Categories: British Comics

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