Comica Social Club returns to London, first event next Wednesday

Get ready, comics enthusiasts! The Comica Social Club is to be reborn, gathering every last Wednesday of the month, except December, at London’s Royal Festival Hall. With a sudden gust of wind, and the slamming of doors, The Man in the Orange Fez is here again!

Organised by Xander Pieter Gyr and Comica Social Club, the long-awaited return of Comica Social Club, the first event takes place on Wednesday 29th May 2024, starting at 6.00pm in the Central Bar, The Royal Festival Hall, in London’s Southbank Centre. Whether you’re into comics, manga, or graphic novels, this is the place to be!

This monthly meetup is all about informality and fun. You can chat, greet, gossip, and network with like-minded folks. Share your latest creations, grand plans, or impressive wants lists (but we might run away!) or explore what’s new in the reading nook.

“Social Media is great for starting and maintaining connections in the comic world, but nothing beats the magic of face-to-face interaction,” say the organisers. “Did you know that social media accounts for only 30 per cent of all word-of-mouth contact? That means 70 per cent of genuine connections happen in person. So, make the most of the Comica Social Club and stay in the loop with the latest buzz.

“If you know no-one then look for The Man In The Orange Fez and he will introduce you to new friends. We can’t wait to meet you. Come join us for fun, friendship, and all things comics, manga and graphic novels!”

• Comica Social Club, 6.00pm, Wednesday 29th May 2024, Central Bar, The Royal Festival Hall, Southbank Centre, London | Facebook Event Page | Comica Social Club on Facebook

Categories: British Comics, Comics, Creating Comics, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Events

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2 replies

  1. Hi John, we came by for this, but a bit disappointed but it looks like this isn’t happening as Charles Cutting and myself have been waiting for about an hour.

    • Ack, sorry to hear that. There was a debacle over the use of AI imagery to promote the event, and then the event seemed to vanish from Facebook listings. I asked if it was still happening but didn’t get a definitive answer.

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