Dealing with the Devil

Comic book writer Cy Dethan reports that work is well underway on his latest project, The Case Files of Harlan Falk, the story of a man who, literally, makes deals with devils.

Whether you’re involved in a territorial dispute with an invading parallel dimension, or simply looking to renegotiate terms with your local Tooth Fairy, Harlan Falk is ready to represent you. No win, no fee.

Artists Scott James and Jason Millet are hard at work on covers for the first four issues, which will be published by Markosia.

Dethan and others are also contributors to Insomnia Publications new Layer Zero anthology. “From what I’ve seen so far it looks like a very interesting mix of stories,” says Dethan.

“The theme for this one is “choices” and it features the work of Scott James, Richard McAuliffe, Martin Conaghan, Christopher Barker and many others. My own contribution is a cheerful little suicide tale called “Waste”, with art from the very impressive Ben MacLeod, a veteran of 2000AD.”

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