First issues of Batman and Commando on offer in latest Compal auction

Compalcomics May 2018 Auction Collage

There’s a treasure trove of comics and comic art on offer in the latest ComPal auction, including a coverless Batman #1, a first issue of DC Thomson’s long-running Commando comic, “Charley’s War” art by Joe Colquhoun and Dan Dare art by Don Harley.

Beano 21 (1938). First Christmas Number, featuring the first

Beano 21 (1938). First Christmas Number, featuring the first “Pansy Potter” by Hugh McNeill and first appearances of “Frosty McNab” and “Good King Coke” (He’s stony broke)

There are over 300 lots in the May catalogue, with many issues of Beano and Dandy on offer – including Beano Issue No 21 from 1938, the first Christmas number and a true rarity, with “Big Eggo” its cover star.

Beano 753 (1956) - Christmas Issue

Dandy 13 (1938)

Magic 72Also on offer are hard to find Paget titles, Oh Boy! and Wonderman and G G Swan’s War Comics 1-16 in a bound volume followed by the scarce Picture Epics 1-4.

Marvelman (1954-56)

Mickey Mouse Weekly

There are good runs of Marvelman and complete years of Mickey Mouse Weekly, Britain’s first photogravure comic, from Number One in 1936 right through to 1938.

A copy of Commando Number One is included in the May 2018 Compal auction

A copy of Commando Number One is included in the May 2018 Compal auction

Commando Number One is included, published in 1961 and featuring “Walk or Die” with a cover by Ken Barr. It’s a bit battered but this debut issue is sure to attract a lot of attention.

Commando At War Booklet (1954) - from Adventure

Commando At War (1954) – a 30 page giveaway booklet with a cover by Dudley Watkins (from Adventure No 1551, 1954) featuring training, detailed illustrations of weapons and kit and the Commandos’ daring deeds of World War Two when six of their number were awarded the Victoria Cross For Valour. This was probably the prototype for DC Thomson’s hugely successful Commando in 1961

Also sure to be of much interest is Adventure’s Commando At War giveaway booklet from which the Commando title is said to have originated.

TV Century 21 1 - 215

TV Century 21 is celebrated with 1 – 215 Number One offered with its free gift Special Identicode card. There are also copies of early issues of TV Comic on offer, along with POW!, plenty of Western comics, 2000AD and more.

POW! Comics

Art on offer includes art is “Oor Wullie” and “The Broons“, “Charley’s War” by Joe Colquhoun from Battle, first published in 1980, and a “Dan Dare” page for Spaceship Away by Don Harley.

Broons original artwork (1955) drawn and signed by Dudley Watkins from the Sunday Post 18 September 1955. Paw rushes to meet the Misses Peabody at Auchenbogle and he falls in the river. His young apprentice lends him a suit, a Teddy Boy suit - his family take the mickey but the old ladies love it ...!

Broons original artwork (1955) drawn and signed by Dudley Watkins from the Sunday Post 18 September 1955. Paw rushes to meet the Misses Peabody at Auchenbogle and he falls in the river. His young apprentice lends him a suit, a Teddy Boy suit – his family take the mickey but the old ladies love it …!

Oor Wullie original artwork (1961). Wullie's pa has a friend, Big Bill, coming over from America and he's a big wrestler. The wee lad can now get his own back on the town bullies and picks fights wi' them all. The only problem is Big Bill wrestles steers - not people - Oops!

Oor Wullie original artwork (1961). Wullie’s pa has a friend, Big Bill, coming over from America and he’s a big wrestler. The wee lad can now get his own back on the town bullies and picks fights wi’ them all. The only problem is Big Bill wrestles steers – not people – Oops!

 Three original “Charley's War” artworks by Joe Colquhoun (signed to page 1) from Battle 601 and 602 (1980). Charley's platoon raids the Jerry tunnel in no-man's-land but his sniper nemesis has evaded the battle and is waiting...

Three original “Charley’s War” artworks by Joe Colquhoun (signed to page 1) from Battle 601 and 602 (1980). Charley’s platoon raids the Jerry tunnel in no-man’s-land but his sniper nemesis has evaded the battle and is waiting…

Dan Dare original artwork drawn and signed by Don Harley from Spaceship Away 7 (2005) This episode 9 page 1 artwork is the only splash page produced by Don for the Phoenix Mission/Green Nemesis stories

Dan Dare original artwork drawn and signed by Don Harley from Spaceship Away 7 (2005)
This episode 9 page 1 artwork is the only splash page produced by Don for the Phoenix Mission/Green Nemesis stories

The star of the US section is a coverless copy of Batman 1. It is estimated at £2000 – 2,500 somewhat less than its US valuation!

Batman 1 coverless (1940). Clear taped spine, 2 clear taped repairs to splash page, 1 clear taped repair back page. The first four pages have ragged edges, with edge tears to back four pages.

Batman 1 coverless (1940). Clear taped spine, 2 clear taped repairs to splash page, 1 clear taped repair back page. The first four pages have ragged edges, with edge tears to back four pages.

More Golden Age Batman, Detective Comics and World’s Finest are also on offer, along with strong runs of Avengers, Daredevil and Fantastic Four.

Summer Love #47

Have The Beatles ever saved your romance?

• The catalogue is open for bidding now. Click here to visit The Saleroom and place realtime bids | Click here to browse and search auction lots at the Compalcomics website

If you have a question about any of the lots, please send email to Compalcomics Director Malcolm Phillips:

The Invincible Iron Man #1

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