“Go English Kids” magazine editor Lou Piccolo hosts new Young Adult fiction editing course

American organisation the Editorial Freelancers Association has opened registrations for an “Editing Young Adult Fiction” self-paced class, hosted by Lou Piccolo.

While not directly comics related, some of the material in this course might well be applicable to editing comics.

YA fiction has exploded in recent years. Learn how to edit this fast-paced category of fiction and expand your skill set
YA fiction has exploded in recent years. Learn how to edit this fast-paced category of fiction and expand your skill set

The stories told in young adult fiction are as unique and varied as its young audience. Developmental editing of a YA novel is a specific task requiring a different approach from editing adult novels. The secret to editing YA fiction is being able to place yourself into a teen’s head and experience, identifying with teen characters and how they express themselves. Can you remember the wild highs and lows of your teenage years? Be ready to time travel back to the teenage you…

Go English Kids magazine
Go English Kids magazine, edited by Lou Piccolo

Lou Piccolo is a freelance developmental editor of fiction and creative non-fiction for children and young adults. She also writes graded readers for Burlington Books in Spain and is the editor and contributor for Go English Kids magazine in Lyon, France.

The New York-based national not-for-profit Editorial Freelancers Association comprises editors, writers, indexers, proofreaders, researchers, desktop publishers, translators, and others who offer a broad range of skills and specialties. It offers resources for both freelancers and clients, including a chart of common rates.

The EFA is next exhibiting in person at the AWP Conference & Bookfair in Seattle in March, as well as offering a wide range of in person and online events and courses through the year.

Its own EFA Conference (EFACON 2023) takes place in Old Town, Alexandria, 17th – 19th August 2023. Past conferences have attracted more than 200 editorial freelancers from across North America and abroad. And you don’t have to be a member to attend

To register visit: the-efa.online/Editing-YA-Fiction | Cost: $190

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