Imagined Comic Moments: Captain Britain versus Captain Britain, by Herb Trimpe

Commissioned art of favourite comic heroes is part and parcel of fandom, and there are some wonderful, Imagined Comic Moments out there, such as this meeting of the original Captain Britain and his more modern incarnation.

What makes this 2009 commission special is that it’s drawn by Herb Trimpe, co-creator of Captain Britain with writer Chris Claremont, and the character’s original artist for Captain Britain Weekly, back in 1976. The final art was coloured by Sam Wakeman.

Captain Britain 1 (1976) Wfg Captain Britain Mask

“The late, great Herb Trimpe returned to drawing Captain Britain for some of the covers of Panini’s (now expensive to buy) Captain Britain trade paperback set,” notes Marvel UK fan Iskander Islam, creator of the fan tribute, Avengers UK. “Trimpe’s art, in some pieces, looked noticeably different in a more ‘1990’s’ style and this art is in that vein.”

The art was commissioned by David Currie, the previous owner of Bath’s American Dream Comics, who says “I had him set it in my home town of Bath, snuck in an ad for my comic shop and made a caustic comment on a classic conundrum: which costume is better – classic or modern.”

David has shared some terrific comic artworks on ComicArtFans, including work by John Buscema, Gene Colan, Paul Gulacy, Mike Higgs, Steve Rude and more.

Bath’s ultimate geek haven. American Dream Comics is part of the history of Bath, as it has been around for over 25 years. Residing in the artizan area of the City Centre, on Walcot Street, inside you’ll find Comic Books, Graphic Novels, T-shirts, Posters, Pokemon, Magic the Gathering, Toys. Action Figures, POP Vinyl, Statues, and so much more.

Captain Britain versus Captain Britain Pencils on ComicArtFans

Captain Britain versus Captain Britain Colour on ComicArtFans

• American Dream Comics, 72 Walcot Street, Bath BA1 5BD | Web:| Facebook | Instagram | Twitter

Check out details of Captain Britain collections on our page, “Marvel UK in Print: Captain Britain, Death’s Head, Doctor Who and more – A Quick Guide”

Categories: British Comics, Comic Art, Comics, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Imagined Comic Moments, US Comics

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2 replies

  1. Thanks for highlighting this art, it is a great piece I’ve always thought. One clarification: Although I founded and ran American Dream Comics for its first 12 years, I am no longer the owner. But I’m sure the current owners will appreciate the plugs. Incidently, the colours in the secondd version were by Sam Wakeman and the art was commissioned from Herb in 2009.

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