Out: Wednesday 28th September 2016 (UK)
Features covers by Cliff Robinson, and variant covers by Glenn Fabry and Chris Burham (latter available from comic shops)
The Prog: Prog 2000 of 2000AD is not only an incredible achievement for a British comic but also a great “jump on” point for new readers.
In the issue: a special one-off Judge Dredd story from creators John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra; Pat Mills and Kevin O’Neill reunite for a special Nemesis the Warlock story; Psi-Judge Anderson has another psychic case from Alan Grant and David Roach; Sinister Dexter hit the road, courtesy of Dan Abnett and Mark Sexton; a mysterious prisoner has a tale to tell in Rogue Trooper: Ghosts of Nu Earth by Gordon Rennie and Richard Elson; and a brand-new identity-theft thriller Counterfeit Girl by Peter Milligan and Rufus Dayglo debuts.
Plus, there are interlude (or “intermission”) pages from Brian Bolland, Mick McMahon, Dave Gibbons, Robin Smith, and more.
The Review: I have to confess. I’m a lapsed Squax de Thargo. It’s been nearly 20 years since I last got 2000AD on a weekly basis and when I look at some of the back issues when I last had it delivered, I can see why. However, those issues were lead-free and this issue is pure eight star action.
When I first saw the Brian Bolland intermission for this milestone Prog, I think I stopped breathing for a good thirty seconds or so and from that page on, the tone was set. This is the 2000AD that I loved, with great characters that have shown their longevity by being around since the 1970s – but also introducing a new character that has me thinking that it is time that I had a subscription once more.
I have been a fan since Prog One and I still have a faint bald spot on my left arm from where the biotronic stickers left their mark. I know that my tastes have changed over the years, but I still recognise quality when I see it. And this issues oozes quality from the choice of three covers to the potted history of 2000AD as told by the intermissions over the course of the comic.
Of the three covers, I prefer the nod to the classic cover from prog 168 by Chris Burnham, even though I appreciate the technical excellence of the other two covers by Cliff Robinson and Glen Fabry.
There are too many good bits to talk about but I don’t believe in spoilers and you will have enough of them from other websites. But I will say that my favourite part of this issue is David Roach’s gorgeous artwork on Judge Anderson. I now need to find out how much David is going to be charging for those pieces of beauty that he has brought into the world.
• Prog 2000 is not just an issue, it is an event so make yourself part of it by going along to one of the many signings on Saturday 1st October 2016
• Prog 2000 is available in print from UK newsagents and all good comic book stores via Diamond (Code: JUL161858 for the Robinson cover or JUL161859 for the exclusive Fabry cover)
It is also available in digital format from: 2000 AD webshop, 2000 AD iPad app, 2000 AD Android app, 2000 AD Windows 10 app
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A life-long comic fan, specialising mainly in UK adventure comics, Colin did his very best to support his passion for the comics of his youth, Commandos (still going!) and any small press that interested him. Sadly, Colin passed in March 2021, an invaluable downthetubes team member, much missed by us all
Categories: 2000AD, British Comics