Writer: Mike Carey
Artist: Dave Kendall
Publisher: Madefire
In case you missed it, artist Dave Kendall has landed a rather big gig in 2000AD which has been reported on by our illustrious editor in the Dark Judges “origin story” article. Now I have been fortunate to chat with Dave and I had not realised he was hiding such a great light under such a large bushel. So when he posted a couple of pictures of his digital comic project for the Madefire app, I could not resist going to have a look and I am so glad I did. When you have such a wonderful cover, you know that you are in for a treat.
Houses of the Holy is set in 1930’s Germany when Nazism is giving free reign to terrorise first their own people and then the rest of Europe, but unbeknown to the Nazis, there is a creeping menace that puts their machine like efficiency for death as merely hum drum. You know the writer has done a good job when you write Nazis off as merely the backdrop to the emerging story.
This is an interactive experience. Oh, did I forget to say that you that? As this is made for the Madefire Motion Book app, you are not only reading the story, but you are experiencing it as you are dragged through the story like some paralysed victim of fear. This is a stygian, visceral experience that needs to be either dealt with in the shadows of your mind or in the full force of day where the monsters can’t get to you… until the sun goes down and the lights go out. (OK, I am scaring myself now!)
The art is dark and almost pulsates, definitely complimenting the story that Mike Carey is telling. I can’t imagine anyone else being this good for the story. In my view, for example, artists such as Simon Harrison’s work would be too disjointed and Nigel Dobbyn’s art would be too clean. But Dave’s work here is just perfectly organic for the story.
(I’m not being dismissive of the previous two artists talents. It was just that the only art that I have seen that reminds me of Dave’s work is the previous two’s work on “Feral” in 2000AD or John Hicklenton‘s work on “Two Torquemadas”.
This last images adds absolutely nothing to the article, but as it is the building of the impending cresecendo, I could not resist adding this teaser. This comic is an unapologetic horror movie that moves along at a brisk pace.
With nine episodes available (the first one is free) there is plenty in those episodes to make the horror fan in your life that little bit quirkier than they already are by going to Houses of the Holy…
• Dave’s official web site is at: www.rustybaby.com
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A life-long comic fan, specialising mainly in UK adventure comics, Colin did his very best to support his passion for the comics of his youth, Commandos (still going!) and any small press that interested him. Sadly, Colin passed in March 2021, an invaluable downthetubes team member, much missed by us all
Categories: Digital Comics, Digital Media, Other Worlds