London Comics Exhibition

London’s independent book distributor bookartbookshop is hosting an exhibition of comics this month from London Underground Comics and the Camden Comics Stall.

Regular titles such as Modern Monstrosity, Summer Ball Tongue of the Dead, Monkeys might Puke, Ninja Bunny and Twelve Hour Shift will be displayed at the Bookartsbookshop at 17 Pitfield St, N1 6HB, London, along with the vast talents of the every changing table stock.

There’s an opening night and private view on 11th April 2008 around 6ish, and the show will run until the 25th April.

Bookartsbookshop features the publications of some of Britain’s best-known artist presses and publishers of artists’ books, as well as books from abroad. The shop is a centre and a service for individual and institutional collectors, artists, publishers and the aesthetically and bibliographically curious. It is presently a not-for-profit organisation, ploughing back any profits into the improvement of the enterprise, and while it aspires to have a team of full paid staff it is still dependent partly upon volunteer labour.

Vist the Bookartsbookshop web site

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