Deep sea divers, deadly supernatural hell hounds, horny loved up aliens, and lashings of wondrous carnage and mayhem!
The new 100% Biodegradable Issue 3, a fantastic digital comic anthology edited by Dave Hailwood from a host of British creators is available now from assorted outlets. 30 pages, black and white and colour, featuring strips by Tony Suleri (Scar Comics, Futurequake), Mark Bertolini (Markosia, FUBAR Press), this issue’s cover artist Carl Yonder (Action Lab Comics, Comixtribe), Dave Hailwood (Toxic, Strip Magazine), Dave Thomson (Strip Magazine, Dr WTF?) and Simon Mackie, Mike Parsons and Denis Vermesse.
Two strips are stand out for me – “Marren Kane – A Man Walks Into a Bar” by Dave Hailwood and Tony Suleri, which is a silly but funny, superbly drawn street brawl-centred tale; and the fantastic-looking “Life and Death”, again written by Dave with stunning art from Denis Vermesse, a former student of Ecole Speciale d’Architecture in Paris and Parsons School of Design, New York who lives and works in Lille, France.
As well as his art for this issue of Biodegradeable, he’s published erotic art in BD Adult, France, and a series of of graphic stories in the French magazine Phylactère.
I also enjoyed Carl YOnder’s art on “Diver Down Under” and Mike Parsons two humour strips are absolute gems!
Buy it for just 69p/$0.99!
Preview Pages:
• More info and back issue links:
• Biodegradable is also on Facebook
- About the Author
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The founder of downthetubes, which he established in 1998. John works as a comics and magazine editor, writer, and on promotional work for the Lakes International Comic Art Festival. He is currently editor of Star Trek Explorer, published by Titan – his third tour of duty on the title originally titled Star Trek Magazine.
Working in British comics publishing since the 1980s, his credits include editor of titles such as Doctor Who Magazine, Babylon 5 Magazine, and more. He also edited the comics anthology STRIP Magazine and edited several audio comics for ROK Comics. He has also edited several comic collections, including volumes of “Charley’s War” and “Dan Dare”.
He’s the writer of “Pilgrim: Secrets and Lies” for B7 Comics; “Crucible”, a creator-owned project with 2000AD artist Smuzz; and “Death Duty” and “Skow Dogs” with Dave Hailwood.
Categories: British Comics, Digital Comics, downthetubes Comics News, Featured News