PJ Holden signing in Belfast this Saturday

PJ Holden – artist on Strip Magazine‘s Black Ops Extreme – will be doing a signing at Forbidden Planet International Belfast (facebook link) this coming Saturday 3rd December between 1.00 and 3.00pm.

In addition to Black Ops Extreme, PJ’s credits include 2000AD, Image Comics, Dynamite Entertainment, Games Workshop and Egmont UK.  He’s also working on Dept. of Monsterology (written by Gordon Rennie), which will be published by Renegade Entertainment next year.

Copies of STRIP Magazine Issue 1 – featuring a cover by PJ – will be on sale.

• FPI Belfast is at 52-54 Ann Street (facing Victoria Square), Belfast BT1 4EG. Twitter: https://twitter.com/FPI_Belfast Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Forbidden-Planet-International-Belfast/113286515387696 Main Site: http://www.forbiddenplanet.co.uk

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