Written by Jim Alexander
Art by Will Pickering
Cover art by Luke Cooper
Published by Planet Jimbot
The Story: Leading on from the cliff-hanger ending of the last installment things come to a head (or even a head-butt) when the vampire settlement is breached by the werewolf army. People/creatures/vampires will live and die in this the fourth issue in this supernatural horror series.
The Review: Wolf Country Issue Four amps up the action on the last one and begins to show how all the allegiances and implications of the machinations of previous issues are beginning to form and make more sense.
It is also a gore hound’s dream of a comic book. Ideally suited to fit into this horrific future the Attack on Precinct 13/Ghosts of Mars feel of this werewolf/vampire/cowboy action flick of a book is a genuine page turner. Images force you on from shocking panel to crueller shockingly violent panel like a cracking video nasty of a book. Serious in its narrative and grasping a mood and feel all of its own.
Characters are killed or thrown asunder at a realistic fatalistic whim. This comic is murderous in its bleak intent. This is not a book for the My Little Pony fans out there. (It should be, but lets face it, that ain’t happening). This issue is relentless and plays like a great 1990s horror/sci-fi video we used to rent. It ends on a great moment that lays up more escalation in violence for the next issue.
I have been following this series closely and it is definitely worth watching.
• You can buy a copy at Planet Jimbot’s Etsy store at www.etsy.com/uk/shop/PlanetJimbot
• You can find Planet Jimbot on Twitter @Planetjimbot
Many thanks for reading.
Antony Esmond is a comic reviewer and writer – his hips don’t lie.
Categories: British Comics, Comic Previews, downthetubes Comics News