Second Unofficial Dr Who Omnibus available now

Terraqueous Distributors has just released their not-for-profit production, The Second Unofficial Dr Who OmnibusMonsters from Outer Space.

Terraqueous Distributors - The Second Unofficial Dr Who Omnibus - Promotion

Available as a Print On Demand title for a limited time only, the massive collection, which runs to nearly 500 pages, includes a special story by Davros himself, Terry Molloy, written with Chris McAuley (Dark Legacies, Doctor Who and more), with an illustration by Alister Pearson and David Lavelle.

As well as the exclusive Davros tale, Terry and Chris have also been kind enough to provide a double foreword for this monster of a book.

“These guys have supported us for many years, ever since our first publication, The 1972 Annual,” says editor Mark William Worgan, “and we are eternally grateful to them both.

Monsters from Outer Space, would not be a true monster book without the appearance of ‘Sil’, and, courtesy of Keith Barnfather, the prelude comic strip to, “Sil and the Devil Seeds of Arodor”, written by the late Philip Martin and illustrated by Martin Baines, is also included.

The Omnibus includes material from the unofficial 1972, 1987, 1988, 1989 1997 Dr Who Annuals and the 2074 Master Annual, featuring art and stories by a huge range of comic creators, including Danny Cushion, John Freeman, Daryl Joyce, Smuzz, Paul Mark Tams and Andy Walker. Also included is a special preview of the long-in development Quark book, featuring a completely reimagined and redesigned version of the robots seen in the TV story, The Dominators.

Terraqueous Distributors - Unofficial Dr Who Annuals
Previous Terraqueous Distributors Unofficial Dr Who Annuals

“This omnibus is definitely going to be something very special,” Mark enthuses.

The Second Unofficial Dr Who Omnibus - Monsters from Outer Space - Cover A

There are three versions of this book.  As well as the gigantic 492-page monster of a book available with two covers to choose from. Cover-A, by Iain Robertson, and Cover-B by Mark Worgan, a smaller (easier to pick up, without snapping your wrist) 54-page version is also available, which includes just the brand new content from this omnibus edition, and the same cover as Cover-B.

So for those of you who have been collecting the Terraqueous annuals for the past five years, you can still get the new content, without having to spend money on content you already own.

But for those not familiar with the Terraqueous range of books, the 492-page omnibus version is a great way to experience some of what we’ve released before, without having to spend over inflated prices on the secondhand collectors market.

Beware the Toclafane!

You may have noticed that Cover B of ‘Monsters from Outer Space‘ features some quite strange little creatures on it,” Mark says. That’s because while watching the William Hartnell story, The Chase, as part of my Doctor Who 60th Anniversary viewing Marathon, I was drawn to the book Ian Chesterton was reading, while sat in the TARDIS.

The Second Unofficial Dr Who Omnibus - Monsters from Outer Space - Cover B

“I thought, ‘Wouldn’t it be fun to make the book, that Ian is reading, a reality. The then BBC art department simply pasted new imagery over an existing cowboys and indians childrens book.  

“So I had to do more, and really bring that book into the Doctor’s universe.  So those weird little one eyed creatures are obviously the mythical bogeymen used by adults to frighten Gallifreyian children into good behaviour – named the Toclafane.

“At the time of recreating the cover, I had no idea that ‘Ian’ would soon embark on the final mysterious adventure we all must eventually go on. William Russell, the great actor and original beloved crew member of the ship ‘Tardis‘ had passed away.

“So I dedicate Cover-B, and the Toclafane short stories within this book, to him”.

Monsters from Outer Space is published by Terraqueous Distributors and available from Lulu at the print-on-demand price of £30.69 (plus shipping costs). The 54-page edition of Monsters from Outer Space is also available from Lulu, at the print-on-demand price of £10.55 (plus shipping costs). 

Monsters from Outer Space Cover-A is available here from

Monsters from Outer Space Cover-B is available here from

Monsters from Outer Space – new content only edition is available here from

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