Smuggling Vacation Serialised

Smuggling Vacation - early image by Jason WilsonThe independent comic Smuggling Vacation, which we reported last month, is beginning a two year serialisation as part of Weedworld Magazine starting this month, prior to print publication. The magazine sells some 50,00 copies an issue.

, the result of scores of letters sent back and forth over an 18 month period between British cartoonist Jason Wilson and a convicted but reformed smuggler, is the story of a young couple who discover a stash of cannabis on a Spanish beach and try to smuggle it into Britain.

“Weedworld, the UK’s number one cannabis magazine will be introducing our story to tens of thousands of new readers all over the UK and Europe,” Jason explains, “but also Canada and the United States, where it sells in big numbers.”

The serialization begins in Issue 74, which can be bought straight from Weedworld or from almost 300 UK head shops. “If your local head shop doesn’t sell it then they should be,” Jason argues, “and I hope you’ll direct them to so they can rectify matters.”

Weedworld will feature six pages an issue from the strip. “That’s an unusually high amount for any serialisation, but a number that I think will make the strip very effective,” says Jason. “The latest issue even a features a story on the making of the strip as well as the first six pages of our story.”

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