Spaceship Away #14 counting down

Spaceship Away, the glossy magazine that is home to new Dan Dare adventures as well as reprints of classic sci-fi strip Journey Into Space and Sydney Jordan’s new Hal Starr strip, is nearly out again.

Issue 14 (cover seen left, artwork by Martin Baines) promise to include the following…
The Green Nemesis story continues, Murder on Mars concluding, Jet Morgan’s problems escalate in Planet of Fear, Sid Clark’s latest model is of a Phant war-machine, Andrew Darlington writes about Dan Dare lives after the original folded and Hal Starr reached the penultimate episode.

And there will be a full colour centrespread by British illustation legend Ian Kennedy. His first work on Dan Dare for many years.

This and much more will be squeezed into 44 full colour pages of A4 loveliness for you to enjoy.

The issue is at the printers currently but will be available at the end of February.

The website with all the details of how to subscribe is avilable here

Categories: British Comics


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