Think of a City storytelling project attracts Dave McKean, JH Williams III


Think of a City illustration by Ian McEwan © Ian McEwan

Think of a City illustration by Ian MacEwan © Ian MacEwan

The City is our story – but what is a city? That’s the question being posed by architect Alison Sampson and comics artist Ian MacEwan through Think of a City, a tumblr-based, mass storytelling project involving a huge range of creatives from across the globe that include Britain’s Dave McKean and US comics artists such as JH Williams III , combining their talents to deliver a unique cityscape online.

“We don’t know what will happen, any more than you do, but we each will add something, one after another,” says joint project creator and manager Alison, a Senior Architect at London-based John McAslan and Partners (who also says they won’t be revealing the running order of the images contributed). “We hope you will walk our streets and take a coffee in one of our cafes.

“Who knows what you might see, or the strange events you might chance across.”

Part-serious architectural investigation, part international art collaboration, for fun, for eventual exhibition, to work together, to see what happens, Think of a City is a mass storytelling project.

“It takes more than two people to build a city, and this project is a collective effort from everyone involved,” says Alison. “As with a city, we each bring our own offerings to the group, and perhaps, together we are stronger.

British creators incolved so far include Rob Davis, Ben Dickson, Oliver East, Jonathan Edwards, Warwick Johnson-Cadwell, Antony Johnston, Will Kirkby, Dave McKean, Alison herself, Si Spurrier, Chris Wildgoose and Rob Williams.

Although comic books provide linear stories, cities are something different. Join the creators on a Dérive to experience this city of the imagination, told page by page, by storytellers from around the world…

• Visit Think of a City at Any queries should be addressed to: thinkofacity(at)

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