2000 AD Thrill-Cast returns with exclusive interview with “Stainless Steel Rat” writer (and comics editor) Kelvin Gosnell

The 2000AD Thrill-Cast is back! After some … technical difficulties Michael Molcher returns with a new episode of the Galaxy’s Greatest Podcast celebrating the slippery-est son-ovva-gun in the whole cosmos – Jim diGriz, aka The Stainless Steel Rat… and there’s an Airfix secret (unconnected with the character) revealed, too!

The Stainless Steel Rat Deluxe Edition - Full Cover (Hardback Web Exclusive Cover)

To complement the summer’s release of the deluxe edition of the classic 1980s adaptation from the pages of 2000AD, Michael and comics editor and writer John Freeman (yes, me) chat to writer Kelvin Gosnell about the series.

Along the way, they discuss what 2000AD owes to Gerry Anderson and vice versa, totally unethical ways of getting animals to act on camera. Plus, a shocking secret is revealed about The Airfix Collectors’ Club page, which appeared in many a boys comic, and Buster, too, that even now is being followed up by downthetubes writer Jeremy Briggs for a future article for Constant Scale, the current Airfix collectors club magazine.

The 2000 AD Thrill-Cast is the award-winning podcast that takes you behind-the-scenes at the Galaxy’s Greatest Comic with creator interviews, panels, and more! You can subscribe to the Thrill-Cast on your favourite podcast app, iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify.

• You can also listen now at 2000AD.com/podcast or you can watch at youtube.com/2000ADonline

Or, listen right here…

Got a theme or interview you’d like to hear? Let the team know at thrillcast@2000AD.com

Categories: 2000AD, Audio, British Comics, Comic Creator Interviews, Comics, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Other Worlds, Podcasts

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