Here’s a list of comics – both US and UK releases – on sale in specialist UK comic shops today, Wednesday 12th November 2014, courtesy of First Age Comics, Lancaster. We’ve picked out the titles published by British publishers in bold below, or titles with a British connection we’re aware of.
Don’t forget that despite many British publishers lack of faith in full-blown cover to cover comic strip action and humour, there are still comics on sale in newsagents that still delight in bringing you such subversive delights, including The Beano and Commando, with great strips featuring in titles such as Judge Dredd Megazine, Doctor Who Magazine, Doctor Who Adventures, TOXIC, VIZ and more.
2000AD Prog 1907
“Kingdom” series artist Richard Elson provides the gene dog fight-inspired cover to the latest 2000AD.“Judge Dredd: Block Judge” continues, by John Wagner & Carlos Ezquerra: plus there’s “stickleback: The Thru’Penny Opera” by Ian Edginton & D’Israeli; “The Grievous Journey of Ichabod Azrael: One Last Bullet” by Rob Williams & Dom Reardon; and “Kingdom: Aux Drift” by Dan Abnett and Richard Elson.
- Alex + Ada 10
- Alice Cooper 3
- All-New Captain America 1
- All-New Ultimates 10
- Archer And Amrstrong One Percent 1
- Arrow Season 2.5 Issue 2
- Avengers And X-Men: Axis 5
- Axis: Hobgoblin 2
- Batgirl 36
- Batman 36
- Batman Eternal 32
- Big Trouble In Little China 6
- Bigger Bang 1 (of 4)
- Black Dynamite 4
- Borderlands: Fall Of Fyrestone 4
- Bucky Barnes: Winter Soldier 2
- Captain Marvel 9
- Coffin Hill 13
- Constantine 19
- Copperhead 3
- Death Of Wolverine: Logan Legacy 4
- Deep State 1
- Django /Zorro 1
- Drifter 1
- Earth 2 Worlds End 6
Fade Out 3 (Image Comics)
Written by Ed Brubaker Art by Sean Phillips
Every month The Fade Out has exclusive back pages articles that are only available in the single issues.
FBP: Federal Bureau Of Physics 15 (DC Comics)
Writer: Simon Oliver Art: Nathan Fox, Alberto Ponticelli Cover: Nathan Fox
- Fraggle Rock: Journey Everspring 2
- George Romero’s Empire OF Dead Act Two 3
- Green Lantern Corps 36 GODHEAD
- Grendel Vs Shadow 3
Grindhouse: Drive In, Bleed Out #1 (Dark Horse Comics)
Grindhouse is back from the dead, and it’s meaner, badder, and dirtier than ever! In the first of four new exploitation opuses, Scalped’s artist R. M. Guéra joins series writer Alex de Campi (Smoke/Ashes,Lady Zorro) for “Slay Ride,” a brutal holiday tale of revenge and supernatural terror in the driven snow!
The title includes a one-page humour strip by Lew Stringer as part of the Li’l House of Grind concept that Alex came up with. “My brief was for something like the old trashy grindhouse horror/exploitation movies,” Lew explained on his blog last month. “The result: Kung-Fu Cheesecake, with script, art, lettering by myself.”
Guardians 3000 Issue 2 (Marvel Comics)
Witer: Dan Abnett Artist: Gerardo Sandoval Cover Artist: Alex Ross
- Hawkeye Vs Deadpool 2
- Hero Comics 2014
- Hexed 4
- Holmes Vs Houdini 2
- Howtoons Reignition 4
- Ittty Bitty Comics: The Mask 1
- Justice League United 6
- Kitchen 1
- Klarion 2
- Life After 5
- Marvel Universe: Avengers Assemble Season Two 1
- Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man 7
MPH 4 (Image Comics)
Story By: Mark Millar Art By: Duncan Fegredo Cover By: Andrew Robinson
After a taste of the high life, Rosa’s not sure she likes the changes powered by untold speed and wealth. Is that all there is? Meanwhile, her little brother Baseball gets into big, big trouble. Buckle up! Millarworld’s fantastic new superhero book stays in high gear with Millar and Fegredo’s high octane madness.
- My Little Pony Friends Forever 11
- New 52 Futures End 28
- New Suicide Squad 4
- Nightcrawler 8
- Nova 23 AXIS
- Original Sin Trade Paperback: Thor and Loki – Tenth Realm
- Outcast By Kirkman And Azaceta 5
- Prometheus: Fire And Stone 3
- Q2 Quantum And Woody 2
- Red Sonja 13
- Resurrectionists 1
- Rush: Clockwork Angels 6
- Savage Hulk 6
- Scooby Doo Where Are You 51
- She-Hulk 10
- Silent Hill: Downpour Annes Story 3
- Silver Surfer 7
- Smallville Season Eleven Chaos 4
- Spider-Verse 1
- Star Trek: City On The Edge OF Forever 5
- Star Trek Ongoing 38
- Superior Iron Man 1 AXIS
- Teen Dog 3
- Thor 2
- Transformers 35 DAYS OF DECEPTION
- True Stories 1
- Unity 12
- V-Wars 7
The Walking Dead 134 (Image Comics)
Story By: Robert Kirkman Art By: Charlie Adlard, Stefano Gaudiano and Cliff Rathburn
Cover By: Charlie Adlard and Dave Stewart
From whispers to screams…
The Wicked And The Divine Volume 1 Trade Paperback: The Faust Act (Image Comics)
Story By: Kieron Gillen Art By: Jamie McKelvie and Matt Wilson
Cover By: Jamie McKelvie and Matt Wilson
Every ninety years, twelve gods incarnate as humans. They are loved. They are hated. In two years, they are dead. The team behind critical tongue-attractors like Young Avengers and PHONOGRAM reunite to create a world where gods are the ultimate pop stars and pop stars are the ultimate gods. But remember: just because you’re immortal, doesn’t mean you’re going to live forever. Collects The Wicked And The Divine #1-5
Wilds End 3 (BOOM! Studios)
Written by Dan Abnett Art by INJ Culbard
Clive and the others can no longer deny the danger of the alien threat or the violence it’s capable of. As they struggle to escape the alien targeting them and hope to survive long enough to find answers…
- Worlds Finest 28
Wytches 2 (Image Comics)
Story By: Scott Snyder Art By: JOCK Cover By: JOCK
A busload of children disappears in the woods. A strange bite grows on a girl’s neck. And the wytches are getting closer, creeping from the woods…
- The X-Files Season Ten 18
• First Age Comics is at 3 Moor Lane, Lancaster LA1 1QD. Open: Tuesday – Friday 10.00am – 4.30pm, Saturday 10.00am – 5.30pm. Find them on Facebook
• First Age Comics also has a shop site on e-Bay:
- About the Author
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The founder of downthetubes, which he established in 1998. John works as a comics and magazine editor, writer, and on promotional work for the Lakes International Comic Art Festival. He is currently editor of Star Trek Explorer, published by Titan – his third tour of duty on the title originally titled Star Trek Magazine.
Working in British comics publishing since the 1980s, his credits include editor of titles such as Doctor Who Magazine, Babylon 5 Magazine, and more. He also edited the comics anthology STRIP Magazine and edited several audio comics for ROK Comics. He has also edited several comic collections, including volumes of “Charley’s War” and “Dan Dare”.
He’s the writer of “Pilgrim: Secrets and Lies” for B7 Comics; “Crucible”, a creator-owned project with 2000AD artist Smuzz; and “Death Duty” and “Skow Dogs” with Dave Hailwood.
Categories: 2000AD, British Comics, downthetubes Comics News, US Comics