Here’s our list of both British and US comics on sale this week in comic shops (from Wednesday 22nd April 2015), complementing our monthly list of British graphic novel releases (April 2015 release list here).
Top pick this week has to be The Thrilling Adventures Of Lovelace & Babbage by Sydney Padua, published by Pantheon in the US and Penguin in the UK, a highly-anticipated collection of the brilliant web comic concerning the odd footnote to history that was the unrealised invention of the computer in the 1830s by the eccentric polymath Charles Babbage, and his accomplice the peculiar proto-programmer and daughter of Lord Byron, Ada, Countess of Lovelace.
“It is sometimes called a steampunk comic, but as Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace are documented to have been two of the worst-dressed people of the 19th century they’re a bit of a disgrace to the aesthetic,” explains London-based story artist and animator Sydney. “I call it steam-irony. Steam-iron! Get it?? AHAHAahaah .. ahem.”

Penguin’s cover for the UK edition of Lovelace & Babbage, which I have to say I much prefer to the Pantheon cover.
The strip, 2dGoggles moves forward “in large spasmodic jerks at unexpected intervals, somewhat like a tectonic plate”. Deep below the surface of this website roil the molten Fires of Creation, which bow to no human law (except the Immutable Law of the Day Job). This is why RSS feeds were created. If you’re new to this strip, then start out with this “Secret Origin” tale. Well worth a look and this is definitely a collection you should head out to buy.
(The book will get its official launch at GOSH, London on 30th April – full details here)
There a number of Cinebook titles hitting comic shops this week, including Kenya by Leo (Luiz Eduardo de Oliveira) and Rodolphe (Rodolphe Daniel Jacquette) – an ongoing series of spies, extinct beasts and strange flying lights that is set in post war-Kenya, first published by Dargaud. Released in January, Jeremy Briggs reviewed Kenya: Encounters here on downthetubes. Kenya Volume 3: Aberrations is out this week in bookshops.
Out from Dark Horse is the latest Witchfinder Trade Paperback. Volume 3 Mysteries Of Unland, a Hellboy spin-off written by Kim Newman and Maura McHugh, with art by Tyler Crook. Talking to Bleeding Cool this week, Kim says his touchstone for writing Sir Edward “was that he’d been through the events of the earlier miniseries and was on his way to his established death and post-mortem activities, and we needed to see him changing from the person he was into the person he will be.”
“Sir Edward discovered supernatural creatures existed when he was young,” explains Maura McHugh, “and spent his life protecting people from the more malign effects of those entities. He became an occult detective, and at our point in Sir Edward’s career he is a special agent for the crown (Queen Victoria).” It looks terrific in terms of both story and art.
In the interview, Maura reveals she has a short comic book tale coming out in a forthcoming anthology soon as well as some more short stories and essays – plus several other projects in development. Kim, meanwhile, has finished the a draft of a novel, Secrets of Drearcliff Grange School, for Titan Books. “I’m already pondering two more,” he says. “Angels of Music (which is loosely a riff on The Phantom of the Opera and Charlie’s Angels) and an as-yet-untitled Anno Draculanovel set in Japan.”
Don’t forget that despite many British publishers lack of faith in full-blown cover to cover comic strip action and humour, there are still comics on sale in newsagents that still delight in bringing you such subversive delights, including The Beano, Commando, Judge Dredd Megazine, Panini’s superhero titles and VIZ, with great strips also featuring in titles such as Doctor Who Magazine, Doctor Who Adventures, Titan’s Doctor Who Comic (collecting their strips from the US format titles) Mega, TOXIC and many others.
The Hachette Judge Dredd Collection is also on sale now, but you may now have to subscribe if you want to continue buying it as Part Works are not distributed in newsagents after their first few issues.
Plus, the wonderful Phoenix Comic is on sale in all Waitrose supermarkets as well as available on subscription and through its dedicated iPad app.
British Comic Publishers
2000AD Prog 1927
Featuring a stunning Strontium Dog cover from Greg Staples, featuring fearsome fraternal family, the sinister Stix, siblings, gunning for rival ’Stront’, Johnny Alpha.
JUDGE DREDD: ENCELADUS: NEW LIFE By Rob Williams and Henry Flint
Above Mega-City One, an empty ship has been shot down over the city, having travelled from Enceladus…
Skilled in stealth, sabotage and subterfuge, East Meg One’s Orlok is a lethal weapon sent on the most dangerous missions — but can he be truly trusted? Now, he’s been charged with securing defecting artist, Jiri Rasputin…
SLÁINE: PRIMORDIAL By Pat Mills and Simon Davis
Albion, in a time of myth and legend. Celtic barbarian warrior SLÁINE united the tribes of the Earth Goddess Danu and became the first High King of Ireland. After ruling for seven years, he travelled through time to fight for the Goddess in other eras before returning to save his people from theFomorian sea devils. He then became a wanderer, serving the Goddesswhere she directs him, and now he’s battling the Drune Lords…
GREY AREA: ANOTHER DAY ON THE JOB By Dan Abnett and Mark Harrison
North America, 2045. The Global Exo Segregation Zone — aka the GREY AREA — is a huge sector in Arizona given over to housing the large number of extra-terrestrial immigrants that arrive on Earth. A massive shanty town that acts as a holding area, it’s policed by Exo Transfer Control squads, heavily armoured cops that patrol and keep the peace amongst the aliens. But right now, Bulliet and co are somewhere else entirely…
STRONTIUM DOG: THE STIX FIX By John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra
Late 22nd century. After the Atomic Wars, many survivors were warped by the Strontium 90 fallout. These ‘mutants’ became a victimised underclass, forced into ghettos, and the only job open to them was bounty hunting. One such Search/Destroy agent, or STRONTIUM DOG, is Johnny Alpha, who was thought killed. Now, he’s been charged with finding the kidnapped NKD leader Jim Jing Non…
Kenya Volume 2: Encounters
Writer: Rodolphe Artist and Cover Artist: LEO
Kathy, Fuchs, and Merlin are now exploring the savannah, looking for the Remington expedition. With them is Tom, the young native guide – and sole apparent survivor – of the American writer’s party, who recounts the terrifying events that led him to run away. When Kathy and her companions finally discover Remington’s base camp, though, they find no trace of unusual animals or bodies. But they’re quickly confronted to a series of increasingly weird events.
• Read Jeremy Briggs review of Kenya Volume 2: Encounters
• Kenya Volume 3: Aberrations is out this week in bookshops
Lucky Luke Volume 51: The Painter
Writer: Bob De Artist and Cover Artist: Morris
Among the cultural figures of the Old West, Frederick Remington stands head and shoulders above the rest – literally. A good-natured ogre by size and appetite, the artist portrays the West with such skill that the American government entrusts his safety to Lucky Luke. Looking after such a national treasure is not usually an easy task, but Luke will soon discover that Remington hardly needs protecting, except maybe from his own excessive impulses.
Melusine Volume 1: Hocus Pocus
Writer: François Gilson Artist and Cover Artist: Harry Clarke
Melusine is a sorcerer’s apprentice, funny and dynamic, who does everything possible to become a powerful witch. Unfortunately, she’s not always successful, and very often her tricks turn against her and her circle. Pumpkins, all sorts of monsters, a haunted castle, a charming prince – everything is there for the greatest pleasure of the readers. Girls or boys, nobody will be bored with Melusine! In this first volume, the charming little witch is working as a nanny in a castle in Transylvania. The lady of the house is a very bad-tempered phantom, her husband is quite a cool vampire, and the footman is a sort of Frankenstein with an exceptionally limited intellect. In short, nothing out of the ordinary!
Room For Love
Writer, Artist and Cover Artist: Ilya
“Romance is dead.” Or so says Pamela Green, a middle-aged romance novelist suffering from writer’s block. Then, as she crosses a bridge over the Thames in London, her unsettled life collides with that of a ragged young man who has survived for months on London’s streets, getting by on his wits – and his looks. Under extraordinary circumstances, Pamela invites him into her comfortable suburban home. There, in spite of their obvious differences, they soon form an unlikely partnership, their once-separate lives revived and sent off in stark new directions.
Titan Comics
Captain Stone #5
Writer: Liam Sharp, Christina McCormack Artist and Cover Artist: Liam Sharp
Charlie finally comes clean to her father about just who – and what – she became following the nightclub attack when she was a model and PETA spokeswoman. Behold, the origin of The Pet!
• Read our preview of Captain Stone #5
Mono Volume 2 #1
Writer: Brian Wood Artist and Cover Artist: Sergio Sandoval
Mono undertakes a deadly mission at the behest of Britain’s American allies…but what secrets will he find deep in the heart of the Pacific? Best-selling writer Brian Wood (Star Wars, DMZ) teams with acclaimed artist Sergio Sandoval (Batman, Uncharted) to tell a white-knuckled two-part tale that takes Mono across the world for a hair-raising adventure!
US Publishers
Dark Horse Comics
Art Of The Uncharted Trilogy Hard Cover
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #14
Creepy Comics #20
Crimnial Macabre Third Child Trade Paperback
Frank Frazetta Death Dealer Stein
Frankenstein Underground #2
Grindhouse Drive In Bleed Out #4
Halo Escalation #17
Mind Mgmt #32
Mister X Razed #3
Strain Hard Cover Volume 2 The Fall
Tomb Raider #15
Writer: Rhianna Pratchett Artist: Derliz Santacruz, Andy Owens Cover Artist: Andy Park
The third issue in a new arc from the writer of the Tomb Raider 2013 video game, Rhianna Pratchett!
While using the cover of a fake documentary about the legendary Chupacabra, Lara and her friends are drawn into a missing-child case while hunting the organization holding their friend hostage!
Rhianna Pratchett continues Lara’s story in comics!
Witchfinder Trade Paperback Volume 3 Mysteries Of Unland
Writer: Kim Newman, Maura McHugh Artist: Tyler Crook Cover Artist: Mike Mignola
Sir Edward Grey is sent to Hallam to investigate the death of a Crown-appointed official, but once he is there he hears rumors of the mysterious Unland-the wetlands around the town-and the creatures that inhabit it. Grey’s skepticism vanishes when he encounters the monsters of Unland, and he realizes that Hallam is a place of secrets. Collects Witchfinder: The Mysteries of Unland #1-#5.
Read a preview….
X Trade Paperback Volume 5 Flesh And Blood (Mature Readers)
DC Comics
Batman 66 #22
Batman 66 Hard Cover Volume 3
Batman 66 Trade Paperback Volume 2
Batman Arkham Knight #3
Convergence #3
Convergence Adventures Of Superman #1
Convergence Batman & The Outsiders #1
Convergence Flash #1
Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: Federico Dallocchio Cover Artist: Michael Allred
STARRING HEROES FROM CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS! Trapped in Gotham City, Barry Allen has nowhere to run. He fights on, seeking justice as well as a way to save the city, but he faces a Tangent Universe foe who thinks faster than even The Flash can run!
Convergence Green Lantern Corps #1
Convergence Hawkman #1
Convergence Justice League America #1
Convergence New Teen Titans #1
Convergence Superboy & The Legion #1
Writer: Stuart Moore Artist: Gus Storms, Mark Farmer Cover Artist: Pia Guerra
STARRING HEROES FROM CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS!! While Brainiac 5 struggles to break through the dome, Superboy tries to keep the Legion of Super-Heroes’ spirits up – until the Atomic Knights ride into town to cause mass destruction!
Convergence Swamp Thing #1
Convergence Wonder Woman #1
Effigy #4 (Mature Readers)
Justice League 3000 Trade Paperback Volume 2 The Camelot War (N52)
Mad Magazine #533
Suiciders #3 (Mature Readers)
IDW Publishing
Angry Birds #10
Best Of EC Artist Edition – Hard Cover Volume 2
Borderlands Fall Of Fyrestone #8 Tannis & The Vault Part 4
Cartoon Network All-Star Omnibus Trade Paperback
Complete Little Orphan Annie Hard Cover Vol 11
Creeple Peeple #3
Drones #1
Edward Scissorhands #7 Whole Again
Empire Uprising #1
Writer: Mark Waid Artist and Cover Artist: Barry Kitson
It’s been a year since the events of the original Empire, and much has changed for Golgoth, the first super-villain to conquer the world. Can he hold onto his reign-and does he even want to?
Fly Outbreak #2
Galaxy Quest Journey Continues #4
Gi Joe A Real American Hero #213
Godzilla Rulers Of The Earth #23
Infinite Loop #1
Littlest Pet Shop Spring Cleaning (One Shot, Variant Covers)
Machi Koro Game Mat
Maxx Maxximized #18
Miami Vice Remix #2
My Little Pony Fiendship Is Magic #4 Nightmare Moon
Popeye Classics Ongoing #33
Powerpuff Girls Super Smash-Up #4
Robert Heinleins Citizen Of The Galaxy #3
Rot & Ruin Trade Paperback Warrior Smart
Writer: Jonathan Maberry Artist: Tony Vargas Cover Artist: Alex Ronald
An all-new story continuing the events from the award-winning series of novels. Meet Benny, Nix, Lilah, and Chong as they stay one step ahead of the zombie hordes.
Samurai Jack #18
Skylanders #8 Return Of Dragon King
Starling Hard Cover Ashley Wood Book 01
Writer, Artist and Cover Artist: Ashley Wood
Remember Sparrow? The art-book series pioneered by Ashley Wood and featuring some of the most acclaimed painters and artists in the world and printed on an amazing paper stock? Yep, this is like that, only this series is even larger in size and features all-new pieces from, again, some of the best artists in existence. Up first, the series’ creator, Ashley Wood!
I’ve included this because of Australian creator Ashley Woods work creating tie-in 2000AD figures and more. I’m afraid I don’t have any informatin on which artists are included.
TMNT Color Classics Series 3 #4
Transformers Classics Trade Paperback Volume 8
Transformers Windblade Combiner Wars #2
Uncle Scrooge #1
Wild Blue Yonder Hard Cover
Winterworld Trade Paperback Volume 2 Stranded
Wormwood Gentleman Corpse Hard Cover The First Few Pints
X-Files Season 10 Hard Cover Volume 4
Zombies Vs Robots #4
Image Comics
Beyond Belief #1 (Variant Covers)
Chew #48 (Mature Readers)
Chrononauts #1 Second Printing (Mature Readers)
Writer: Mark Millar Artist and Cover Artist: Sean Murphy
From MARK MILLAR (Kick-Ass) and SEAN GORDON MURPHY (Punk Rock Jesus) comes a bromance for the ages! Corbin Quinn and Danny Reilly are two buddies who love to have fun. They’re also scientific geniuses. When their research leads them to a time-traveling adventure, will they use their knowledge for the good of all mankind? Or use the space-time continuum for their own ends? This is the story of man’s first, televised steps through the time-stream and everything going wrong in the process.
Criminal Trade Paperback Volume 4 Bad Night (Mature Readers)
Writer: Ed Brubaker Artist and Cover Artist: Sean Phillips
The best-selling crime series gets weird in this strikingly-designed new edition from Image.
Deadly Class #12 (Mature Readers, Variant Covers)
Intersect #6 (Mature Readers, Variant Covers)
Invisible Republic #2 (Mature Readers)
Kaptara #1
Lazarus #16 (Mature Readers)
Manifest Destiny #14 (Mature Readers)
MPH Trade Paperback
Writer: Mark Millar Artist and Cover Artist: Duncan Fregredo
Growing up in Detroit, Roscoe and his friends know all about hard luck. But their fates take a different turn when they stumble upon a street drug called MPH-little pills that give them the power of super speed, and the opportunity of a lifetime. But zooming through their riches has its downsides. When time is your only asset, what happens when the clock runs out?
Postal #3 (Variant Covers)
Satellite Sam #13 (Mature Readers)
Velvet #10 (Mature Readers)
Marvel Comics
Please note that PREVIEWS does not list the creator credits on some Marvel titles this week: apologies in advance for not mentioning British creators involved.
All New X-Men #40
Amazing Spider-Man #17.1
Amazing X-Men #19
Avengers Magazine #1
I’ve included this cover just for long-time Marvel and Marvel UK fans who will remember this kind of image from the 1960s and 70s!
With AVENGERS 2: AGE OF ULTRON right around the corner, Marvel celebrates the greatest super-team the world has ever known with a FREE magazine-sized extravaganza! Meet the creative legend who helped start it all, Jack Kirby, as we look back at his first year of AVENGERS artistry! Relive the history of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes with a series of probing character profiles! Explore the Avengers’ creative history with “Earth’s Mightiest Interview,” a roundtable with some of the greatest writers in the team’s history, and have your mind blown by a gallery of all-time great Avengers artist John Buscema’s finest work! All this and more – including a countdown of the greatest Avengers stories of all time! Earth’s Mightiest Magazine is distributed free.
Avengers Millennium #4
Avengers Operation Hydra #1
Avengers World #20 TRO
Black Widow #17
Guardians of the Galaxy And X-Men Black Vortex Omega #1 BV
Guardians Of Galaxy #26
Howard The Duck #1 Quinones Second Printing Var
Hulk #15
Hulk Future Imperfect Trade Paperback New Printing
Inhuman Special #1
Loki Agent Of Asgard Trade Paperback Volume 2 I Cannot
Writer: Al Ewing Artist: Jorge Coehlo, Lee Garbett Cover Artist: Lee Garbett
AXIS tie-in! Loki faces his greatest challenge yet: Dr. Doom! But with Valeria Richards in the mix, who’s the hero of this story – and who’s the villain? Loki learns that Doom has sentenced him to death for the crimes of his future self! But with the Red Skull drowning Doom, Latveria and the entire world in a wave of telepathic hate, will there even be a future left to save? And when the events of AXIS invert Loki, he begins a noble quest for truth, justice and the Asgardian way – which pits him against the Enchantress, Lorelei…and the brutish Thor, god of evil?! Loki’s inversion has another side effect, one that looks like it will stick around: the God of Lies can now only ever speak the truth. This might not go so well. Collecting LOKI: AGENT OF ASGARD #6-11.
Tell A Lie
Marvel Universe Guardians Of Galaxy #3
Princess Leia #1 Dodson Second Printing Variant
Silk #2 Johnson Second Printing Variant
Spider-Gwen #2 Rodriguez Second Printing Variant
Spider-Man Complete Alien Costume Saga Trade Paperback Book 02
Star Wars #4
Superior Iron Man Prem Hard Cover Volume 1 Infamous
True Believers Armor Wars #1
True Believers Infinity Gauntlet #1
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #4
Vision Yesterday And Tomorrow Trade Paperback New Printing
Wolverines #15
Wolverines Trade Paperback Volume 1 Dancing With Devil
Other Publishers
12 Beast Graphic Novel Volume 1 (Mature Readers)
Adventure Time #36 (2nd Ptg)
Adventure Time #39
Adventures Of Basil And Moebius Hard Cover Volume 1 (Mature Readers)
Akame Ga Kill Graphic Novel Volume 2
Armor Hunters Deluxe Edition Hard Cover (Valiant)
Writer: Robert Venditti & Various Artist: Doug Braithwaite & Various Cover Artist: Mico Suayan
Re-presenting Valiant’s sold-out crossover event in complete chronological order! From New York Times best-selling creators Robert Venditti (X-O Manowar, The Flash), Matt Kindt (Rai, Mind MGMT), Joshua Dysart (Harbinger, Unknown Soldier), Doug Braithwaite (Unity, Justice), and more top talents, the acclaimed Armor Hunters saga gets the deluxe oversized hardcover treatment with more than 20+ pages of never-before-seen bonus materials!
Ballistic Trade Paperback Volume 1 (Mature Readers)
Barakamon Graphic Novel Volume 4
Bart Simpson Blastoff Trade Paperback
Betty & Veronica Jumbo Comics Double Digest #233
Black Hood #3 Reg Francavilla Cvr (Mature Readers)
Blake & Mortimer Graphic Novel Vol 20 Septimus Wave
Captain Ken Graphic Novel Volume 1
Cartoon Introduction To Philosophy Trade Paperback
Charmed Season 10 #7 A Cvr Seidman (Mature Readers)
Chastity Trade Paperback Volume 1 Life Death
Clay Lord Masters Of Golems Graphic Novel Volume 1
Clive Barkers Nightbreed #12 (Mature Readers)
Curb Stomp #3
Dawn Of Planet Of Apes #6
Writer: Michael Moreci Artist: Dan McDaid Cover Artist: Christopher Mitten
Death Defying Dr Mirage Trade Paperback
Disney 101 Dalmatians Cinestory Trade Paperback Volume 1
Disney Phineas And Ferb Omnibus Trade Paperback Volume 1
Divinity #1 Third Printing
Divinity #3 (Variant Covers)
Writer: Matt Kindt Artist: Trevor Hairsine Cover Artist: Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic
The sci-fi saga of 2015 continues – from New York Times best-selling writer Matt Kindt (RAI) and blockbuster artist Trevor Hairsine (X-Men: Deadly Genesis)!
A being with the power of a god roams free in the Australian Outback, bringing life to the barren wasteland and making him a hero to natives who live there and the visitors that have sought him out. But can the global superpowers of Earth rely on this long-lost cosmonaut not to abuse his seemingly limitless power? The entity called DIVINITY will put that trust to the test when he discovers what became of the life he left behind…and the family he once knew…
Evil Empire Trade Paperback Volume 1
Fathom Kiani Vol 4 #3 (Variant Covers)
Fight Like A Girl Learning Curve Trade Paperback
Frank Thorne Red Sonja Art Ed Hard Cover Sgn Volume 3
Frank Thorne Red Sonja Art Ed Hard Cover Volume 3
Gearhearts Steampunk Musical Special #1 (One Shot)
Gft Little Mermaid #3 (Mature Readers, Variant Covers)
Giant Days #1 (2nd Ptg)
God Is Dead #33 (Mature Readers, Variant Covers)
Haunter Graphic Novel
Holmes Vs Houdini #5 Cvr A Campbell Main
Inu X Boku Ss Trade Paperback Volume 7
IRS Trade Paperback Volume 6 Black Gold War
Kagerou Daze Graphic Novel Volume 1
Kenya Graphic Novel Volume 2 Encounters
King: Flash Gordon #3
Writer: Ben Acker, Ben Blacker Artist: Lee Ferguson, Marc Deering Cover Artist: Declan Shalvey
Subaquatic rescue! On the watery planet Coralia, Flash, Dale and Zarkov don Lung Machines to take on the deadly Octotusk and dine with the even deadlier Queen Darya! Will Team Flash be chewed alive, or live long enough to face the approaching forces of the Merciless Ming!?
Lady Mechanika Tablet Of Destinies #1s (Mature Readers)
Lady Rawhide Lady Zorro #2
Legenderry Green Hornet #3 Rare Davila Virgin Cvr
Legenderry Red Sonja #3
Lets Dance A Waltz Graphic Novel Volume 1
Life After #9 (Mature Readers)
Lucky Luke Trade Paperback Vol 51 Painter
Masks 2 #1 Rare Worley Miss Fury Virgin Cvr
Melusine Graphic Novel Volume 1 Hocus Pocus
Mono V2 #1
Nathan Hales Hazardous Tales Hard Cover Volume 5 Underground Abductor
Ninjak #2 (Variant Covers)
Pathfinder Hard Cover Volume 3 City Of Secrets
Puella Magi Tart Magica Legend Of Jeanne D Arc Graphic Novel Volume 1
Realist Original Graphic Novel Hard Cover (Mature Readers)
Reanimator #1 Rare Francavilla Virgin Cvr
Red Sonja Travels Trade Paperback Volume 2
Roman Ritual #4 (Mature Readers)
Room For Love Hard Cover Graphic Novel
Scott Pilgrim Color Hard Cover Volume 6
Separators #5
Sixth Gun Gunslinger Ed Hard Cover Volume 2
So I Can’t Play H Graphic Novel Volume 1 (Mature Readers)
Solar Man Of Atom #11 Cvr A Laming Main
Sonic Universe #75 Reg Cvr
Suicide Risk #24 (Boom! Studios)
Writer: Mike Carey Artist and Cover Artist: Elena Casagrande
The penultimate issue! With the truth about F.A.U.L.T. Line revealed, Requiem, Terza, and Aisa must team up to protect Earth…but which Earth? And will the newly awakened heroes follow Requiem?
Sword Art Online Progressive Graphic Novel Volume 2
Tena On S String Graphic Novel Volume 7 (Note Price)
Terrible Lizard Trade Paperback
The Thrilling Adventures Of Lovelace & Babbage Hard Cover Graphic Novel (Pantheon)
Writer, Artist and Cover Artist: Sydney Padua
A unique take on the unrealised invention of the computer in the 1830s by the eccentric polymath Charles Babbage and his accomplice, the daughter of Lord Byron, Ada, Countess of Lovelace. When Ada translated Babbage’s plans for the “Difference Engine,” her footnotes contained the first appearance of the general computing theory, 100 years before an actual computer was built. Sydney Padua gives us an alternate reality in which Lovelace and Babbage build the Difference Engine, and then use it to do battle with the American banking system, the publishing industry, their own fears that their project will lose funding, and a villainous street musician who will force the two friends to reevaluate their priorities-“for the sake of both London and science.”
• Buy the Pantheon edition from
Town Called Dragon Trade Paperback Volume 1
Turok Dinosaur Hunter Trade Paperback Volume 2 West
Vagabond Graphic Novel Vol 37 (Mature Readers)
Vamplets Nightmare Nursery #1
Wisher Graphic Novel Volume 3 Glee
Witchcraft Works Graphic Novel Volume 4
Woodland Welfare Manifesto Graphic Novel
Xiii Cinebook Ed Graphic Novel Vol 20 Bait
Your Lie In April Graphic Novel Volume 1
Zombie Tramp Ongoing #10 (Mature Readers)
Alter Ego #132
Back Issue #80
Bleeding Cool Magazine #16 (Mature Readers)
Comic Shop News #1453
Comic Shop News Fcbd 2015 Special #32
Doctor Who Essential Guide #4 The Master
Draw #30 (Mature Readers)
Locus #651
Megami Jan 2015
Newtype Jan 2015
Scary Monsters Magazine #97
Ultimate Spider-Man Magazine #3
Day Ot Destroyers Novel Hard Cover Jimmie Flint Agent X11 America
Devil Is Part Timer Light Novel Volume 1
Elder Scrolls Online Tales Of Tamriel Hard Cover Volume 1 Land
Harvey Kurtzman Hard Cover Mad And Humor In America
Is It Wrong Try Pick Up Girls In Dungeon Novel Volume 2
Joss Whedon Comp Companion Revised & Updated Sc
Log Horizon Light Novel Volume 1
Mage Wars Nature Of The Beast Novel
Neil Gaiman Instructions Pob Hard Cover
No Game No Life Light Novel Volume 1
Spice And Wolf Novel Vol 14 (Mature Readers)
Voices From Krypton Unoff Adv Of Superman Film & Comics
Warhammer 40k Damnation Of Pythos Mmpb
Warhammer 40k Damocles Trade Paperback
List compiled via Diamond Previews, publishers and with the help of First Age Comics, 3 Moor Lane, Lancaster LA1 1QD. Open: Tuesday – Friday 10.00am – 4.30pm, Saturday 10.00am – 5.30pm. Find them on Facebook
• First Age Comics also has a shop site on e-Bay:
• The downthetubes map of British Comic Shops
- About the Author
- Latest Posts
The founder of downthetubes, which he established in 1998. John works as a comics and magazine editor, writer, and on promotional work for the Lakes International Comic Art Festival. He is currently editor of Star Trek Explorer, published by Titan – his third tour of duty on the title originally titled Star Trek Magazine.
Working in British comics publishing since the 1980s, his credits include editor of titles such as Doctor Who Magazine, Babylon 5 Magazine, and more. He also edited the comics anthology STRIP Magazine and edited several audio comics for ROK Comics. He has also edited several comic collections, including volumes of “Charley’s War” and “Dan Dare”.
He’s the writer of “Pilgrim: Secrets and Lies” for B7 Comics; “Crucible”, a creator-owned project with 2000AD artist Smuzz; and “Death Duty” and “Skow Dogs” with Dave Hailwood.
Categories: British Comics, British Comics - Collections, Digital Comics, downthetubes Comics News, US Comics