Broken Voice Comics ‘Shades’ jumps from digital to print edition

Shades-01-Cover-SmallComics creator David Berner has been publishing pages from his graphic novel Shades for some time as a webcomic, both at his own Broken Voice Comics website and at a number of other hosting sites.

Last year, the artists, who include Harsho Mohan Chatoraj, finally put the finishing touches to the final chapter (well, technically, the epilogue!) and, since then, David’s been busy adapting all the pages for print, which is now available from IndyPlanet.

In this, the first of two volumes, retired tailor Stanley Miller wants only to heal the rift in his relationship with his daughter. However, as shadowy forces from the past gather, he finds himself instead trying to reunite a motley band of one-time heroes against the growing threat to the nation. Heroes that include a First Century warrior queen, a World War 2 fighter pilot and a prehistoric shaman!

In an action-fuelled story spanning 5000 years of British history, this two-volume graphic novel asks the question “What makes a hero?” and examines the characteristics and traits that have come to define the British national psyche.

“There were many times when it seemed this project might never reach the end,” says David, “but, I’m delighted to say, Volume 1 is finally ready and printed and looking all shiny, just waiting for people to buy it!

“It’s very British (dealing as it does with the traits which have come to define our national character) and, because I happen to think ‘high concept’ graphic novels should also be entertaining, it’s also packed to the gills with colourful characters indulging in fisticuffs and explosions – what’s not to like?!”

David is a master at promoting his work online, but seems ready to take drastic steps to get the print edition under people’s noses.

“Personally, I now propose to spend my days sitting outside a tube station with a copy of the book in my hand, and a cap on the pavement on front of me,” he jokes.

Either way, check out the book and the Broken Voice Comics website and take a look at Shades.

Shades Volume 1 can be purchased now either from Indy Planet or, for all of us Brits and other non-US types, from Broken Voice Comics forum (which – due to the high international shipping costs from the US) is probably going to be slightly cheaper.

Categories: British Comics


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