Charting the Oink-verse!

oink-0 (With thanks to George Shiers over on Wacky Comics): A  comic blog dedicated to the classic British humour comic Oink! was launched earlier in the year, covering each individual issue of the title to the day that it went on sale.

The project is the brainchild of Phil Boyce, who describes Oink! – which featured the work of creators such as (Jeremy) Banx, Davey Francis, Tom Paterson, the late, great Mark Rodgers, Tony Husband and Lew Stringer – as his all-time favourite comic.

oink-01“I’m actually kind of nervous about this,” says Phil. “Nowhere online is there a full guide to what I’d call my favourite comic of all time.  There’s some fascinating looks into its creation from the cartoonists involved, as well as the Facebook group.

“But there’s no record – as far as I can tell – of any great depth into the hilarious world of Uncle Pigg, Tom Thug, Weedy Willy, Ham Dare: Pig of the Future et al.  The kind of site I’d love to see doesn’t exist, so I’ve had it in my mind for a couple of years now to put something together myself.”

The blog is so far up to Issue Three, and looks like it will be a fascinating endeavour.

• Oink! blog:

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