Could your webcomic be part of WASP 2014?


Earlier this year, twelve artists created some fantastic and unique strips swapping art duties amongst their respective webcomics and working to each others’ scripts.  Now the team gearing up for Round Two – and throwing down the challeneg to other crators to come aboard.



These amazing creators are already looking forward to joining organiser Richy K. Chandler in taking part in WASP 2014…

You may get a chance to draw an episode of one of their webcomics and have one of them handle art duties on yours.

Note that your webcomic probably isn’t right for the project if it is overtly explicit or offensive, contains adults only material or if it uses characters you do not own the rights to.

• If you’re interested in getting involved contact Richy K. Chandler (WASP Editor and Lucy the Octopus creator): Rich will be letting artists know if they have been selected for the project at the end of October 2013. 

• The deadline for finished webcomics will be around the end of February 2014, to go online March 2014

Categories: Creating Comics, Digital Comics

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