Eaglemoss Road Tests new Star Trek Graphic Novel Collection

Star Trek Graphic Novel Collection - Eaglemoss

Part work publisher Eaglemoss – whose other titles include Comic Heroes, the Marvel Fact Files, the Doctor Who Collection, Game of Thrones and Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection – are currently road testing the Star Trek Graphic Novel Collection ahead of a full roll out if early test sales support the project.

The Star Trek Graphic Novel collection test, spotted in WHSmith Reading by Jon Carpenter

The Star Trek Graphic Novel collection test, spotted in WHSmith Reading by Jon Carpenter

On sale in only selected areas of the UK, including Nuneaton, Leamington Spa in Warwickshire and Reading, part work publishers regularly use retail sales to see if a project has the kind of response that justifies a full roll out of the title into ongoing production.

Photo: Jon Carpenter

Photo: Jon Carpenter

According to the title’s web site, the collection will feature representations of every Star Trek comic published in US format – but not, it appears, the US-publishged newspaper strips.

The project will also feature the British Star Trek comics published in Joe 90: Top Secret and TV21, which are being collected in beautiful hardback books by IDW (the first volume of three is on sale now and we’ve reviewed it here).

Star Trek - Gold Key Cover“With this collection you can revisit all the classic characters and incredible art from the Star Trek comic archives,” the site announces. “Every edition has a specially-commissioned introduction to provide context to the story. Every book contains a number of collected comics and a bonus reprint of one of the comic archive’s classic stories.”

Star Trek False ColorsThe reprints will also include the Gold Key comics, which  started in 1967 during the show’s second season, created before Star Trek gained cult status, Marvel’s Star Trek comics published between 1979 and 1981, Malibu’s 1990s Star Trek: Deep Space Nine comics, which include two special issues written by Star Trek actors, the DC Comics line, Marvel’s later Star Trek comics, the current IDW stories, along with those published by TokyoPop and others.

This is, as noted above, a test publication – as with other such tests, such as the Eaglemoss Gerry Anderson strip collection trialled some time back, it may not yet go to full release. But given Eaglemoss’ success with both graphic novel, figurine and other Star Trek titles, this could well get the traction needed to get a green light.

Star Trek: The Graphic Novels Collection web site


Categories: downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Other Worlds, Star Trek, Television

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