WebFind: Enfari’s Syndrome: Captain Britain

Captain Britain Weekly Issue 8. Art by Herb Trimpe

The cover of Captain Britain Weekly Issue 8. Art by Herb Trimpe

Comics writer Michael Carroll presents a fantastic look back at Captain Britain Weekly ​, which saw the debut of Marvel’s first ongoing UK-originated character – certainly, he was the first to get his own comic.

• Read “Enfari’s Syndrome: Captain Britain here

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1 reply

  1. Hafta say I never took to Captain Britain, despite having lived in Corby, Northants, close to where Alan Davis was brought up. It’s just that the seeming lack of effort in the short step from Captain America to Captain Britain put me off (I say this, but it’s probably sour grapes, as I’d earlier conceived a ‘Commander UK’ character, in cap and mask, whom I’d never pursued enough 😀 – Dave

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