Every Letter Printed Wins A T-Shirt!

…is how the editor of The Victor, James Halley, enticed his readers to write into the comic’s letters page, Tupper’s Talk-In. The Tough Of The Track was runner Alf Tupper who of course mixed competitive running with eating fish and chips.

Any former Victor readers out there who would like to re-live their childhood can now purchase a new fully licensed Tough Of The Track t-shirt – and this time they are available in adult sizes.

Fine’n’Dandy specialise in D C Thomson licensed merchandise, which inevitably means Beano and Dandy, however it is worth looking through the rest of their catalogue at the other items they have. While the Jackie alarm clock may not be top of your list, you might be more interested in the Dennis The Menace place mats or fridge magnets of classic annual covers.

The Fine’n’Dandy website can be found here.

Categories: British Comics - Current British Publishers, Merchandise

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