Titan Comics has revealed a preview of the first issue of Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious, which kickstarts a multi-licensor-delivered cross-media epic that spans novels, comics, audio dramas, merchandise and video games, with many announced stories listed here.
First teased back in June, Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious offers a huge arc of stories featuring the Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Doctors, with opening Titan Comics tale focusing on the incarnation played by David Tennant.
The whole Time Lord Victorious project launched next month over twelve weeks, with products and experiences releasing from September until January 2021.
Coming from Titan Comics is a two-part tale offering a thrilling new adventure for the Tenth Doctor (as played by David Tennant on TV), which the story sees the shocking return of his deadliest enemies: the Daleks…
But things aren’t what they seem – time is all wrong, and something is coming that terrifies even the pepperpot perils – who are making their first ever appearance in Titan’s Doctor Who titles.
“Titan’s comic story is quite unique,” says Jake Devine, Editor of Titan’s Doctor Who comics, “as it features the Tenth Doctor as seen in the recent Thirteenth Doctor comic series, so he’s not reached his so-called victory over time yet. But what has been fun to explore is the Doctor getting a glimpse of what’s to come and foreshadowing his own dark turn.”

Billed as “the Doctor getting a glimpse of what’s to come and foreshadowing his own dark turn”, Titan’s Time Lord Victorious tie-in is written by Jody Hauser, with art by Roberta Ingranata and the first of two 48-page issues is on sale from 2nd September 2020 in all good comic shops and via digital platforms.
“BBC Studios’ Doctor Who licensees have come together to tell an amazing epic – one that’s full of monsters, fun and heart,” Doctor Who producer James Gross, who has co-ordinated the whole project, enthused recently. “All strands of the story unite into a mighty patchwork that ranges from one end of the universe to the next. There’s more to be revealed, but the enthusiasm and ideas which the licensees have come up with are breath-taking. It’s going to be such fun.”
Doctor Who Magazine will also deliver its take on the Time Lord Victorious saga in its comic strip in a special three-part comic-strip story beginning with issue number #556, also on sale in September.
• Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious #1 (Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor)
Kindle & comiXology Edition – 2nd September 2020
by Jody Houser (Author), Roberta Ingranata (Artist), Enrica Eren Angiolini (Colourist)
• Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious #2 (Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor)
Kindle & comiXology Edition – 7th October 2020
by Jody Houser (Author), Roberta Ingranata (Artist), Enrica Eren Angiolini (Colourist)
Writer: Jody Houser
Artist: Roberta Ingranata
FC, 48pp, $5.99, On Sale: 2nd September 2020
Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious #1 – Cover A by Lee Binding (See Above)

• Both issues of Titan Comics Time Lord Victorious are available to pre-order now from your local comic shop, digitally via Comixology (UK and US) or physically via Forbidden Planet
Doctor Who Magazine will be contributing to the multi-platform Time Lord Victorious saga with a special three-part comic-strip story beginning with issue number #556, on sale in September

Doctor Who Annual 2021
On Sale from 3rd September 2021
The Doctor Who annual joins Time Lord Victorious! This year’s edition of the annual will join the multiple stories that are already part of the multi-platform Doctor Who story, told across audio, novels, comics, vinyl, digital, immersive theatre, escape rooms and games.

Doctor Who – Time Lord Victorious: Short Trips: Master Thief / Lesser Evils
Big Finish Audio Drama – Available in October
Written by Simon Guerrier Sophie Iles
Master Thief by Sophie Iles
The Master wants to plunder one of the most secure vaults in the universe, the Repository. He’s got a plan, and a deadly new weapon to assist him. However, as the Master quickly discovers, getting in might be easy, but getting away with it might cost him everything.
Lesser Evils by Simon Guerrier
The Kotturuh have arrived on the planet Alexis to distribute the gift of death to its inhabitants. The only person standing in their way is a renegade Time Lord, who has sworn to protect the locals. A Time Lord called the Master…
Doctor Who: The Knight, The Fool and The Dead: Time Lord Victorious
By Steve Cole
Hardcover Novel – Out 1st October 2020

The Doctor travels back to the Ancient Days, an era where life flourishes and death is barely known…
Then come the Kotturuh – creatures who spread through the cosmos dispensing mortality. They judge each and every species and decree its allotted time to live. For the first time, living things know the fear of ending. And they will go to any lengths to escape this grim new spectre, death.
The Doctor is an old hand at cheating death. Now, at last, he can stop it at source. He is coming for the Kotturuh, ready to change everything so that Life wins from the start.
Not just the last of the Time Lords. The Time Lord Victorious.

Doctor Who Time Lord Victorious: He Kills Me, He Kills Me Not
Audio CD – Audiobook – 31st October 2020
by Carrie Thompson (Author), Paul McGann (Performer), Ioan Morris (Composer), Lee Binding (Cover Design) and Scott Handcock (Director)
In this story, on the desert world of Atharna, the Doctor’s life is about to be changed forever. Looking to visit one of the Seven Wonders of the Universe, he’s quickly embroiled in a web of deceit. Worse than that, this Wonder of the Universe is missing, and the Doctor is about to encounter one of his most dangerous and duplicitous adversaries. The Doctor is about to meet Brian. CAST: Paul McGann (The Doctor), Silas Carson (Brian), Jack DeVos (Samson), Pauline Eyre (Katherine), Misha Malcolm (Felicity), Martin McDougall (Craddock), Melanie Stevens (Sophie).

Doctor Who – Time Lord Victorious figurines
Hero Collector
Coming in late-October, various characters from Time Lord Victorious will be immortalised as Hero Collector figurines, over four new box-sets of characters. Each of the four Time Lord Victorious box sets will contain two hand-painted polyresin figurines at 1:21 scale (approximately 3.5 inches tall).
The first three Hero Collector box sets will feature brand new Dalek designs created specifically for the series, such as the Dalek Time Commander and the new Dalek Emperor.
The fourth and final box, however, will include the Tenth Doctor (David Tennant), clad in his ornate and war-torn Gallifreyan robes!
Each set from Hero Collector also comes with an in-depth companion magazine, highlighting the huge range of creative talent involved across the entire Time Lord Victorious adventure and packed with behind the scenes details about this untold story.
The figurines are available for pre-order now, from Forbidden Planet in the UK and from Entertainment Earth in the US. Or, all are available from Eaglemoss.
Doctor Who – The Enemy of My Enemy
Audio CD – Audiobook, 30th November 2020
by Tracy Ann Baines (Author)
In this story the people of Wrax are happy to begin peaceful negotiations with Dalek Empire. The two species are preparing to engage in an alliance that will last throughout the ages. The only one who seems to object to this happy union is the Doctor. He knows that you can never trust the Daleks, but more than that, he knows that the Wraxians should never have existed!
CAST: Paul McGann (The Doctor),Nicholas Briggs (The Daleks/Krinso), Rachel Atkins (Sarathin), Samantha Béart (Security Guard), Stephen Critchlow (Security Guard), Jacob Dudman (Security Guard), Raj Ghatak (Boros). Other parts played by members of the cast.

Doctor Who – Time Lord Victorious: Echoes of Extinction
Written by Alfie Shaw
Big Finish Audio Drama – Available in December
Starring Paul McGann and David Tennant
Trapped, a haunted monster waits to consume new victims. It needs help. It needs a doctor. Unfortunately, it also needs to kill whoever it meets. Thrust into immediate danger, and on the back-foot, it will take all of the Doctor’s ingenuity to triumph.
Two interlinked adventures. Two Doctors. One foe.
An exclusive vinyl edition will be available in UK from selected ASDA stores on 27th November 2020

Doctor Who: The Minds of Magnox
Audio CD – Audiobook, 3rd December 2020
by Darren Jones (Author)
The Doctor travels with Brian, the Ood assassin, to the planet Magnox, one of the greatest receptacles of knowledge the universe will ever know. The Doctor needs to ask a vital question, but the answer is Grade 1 Classified! In order to gain an audience with the Minds of Magnox themselves he must take a dangerous test. Is he smart enough to get through?
Meanwhile, Brian gets involved with the criminal fraternity and is given a job: to assassinate the Minds of Magnox. However, others also have the planet within their sights…
Jacob Dudman reads this exclusive audio adventure by Darren Jones. The CD and digital editions also feature a short Coda to the story.
Time Lord Victorious is a multi-platform Doctor Who event launching in Autumn 2020. It will tell a new and untold story, set within the Dark Times at the start of the universe, when even the Eternals were young. Following several Doctors across space and time as they defend their home planet from a terrible race, this is a story like no other.
The story will feature the Eighth, Ninth and Tenth Doctors, companion Rose Tyler and monsters including the Daleks and the Ood.

Doctor Who: All Flesh is Grass: Time Lord Victorious
Hardcover – 10th December 2020
by Una McCormack
A wasteland. A dead world… No, there is a biodome, rising from the ash. Here, life teems and flourishes, with strange and lush plants, and many-winged insects with bright carapaces – and one solitary sentient creature, who spends its days watering the plants, talking to the insects, and tending this lonely garden. This is Inyit, the Last of the Kotturuh.
In All Flesh is Grass we are transported back to The Dark Times. The Tenth Doctor has sworn to stop the Kotturuh, ending Death and bringing Life to the universe. But his plan is unravelling – instead of bringing Life, nothing has changed and all around him people are dying. Death is everywhere. Now he must confront his former selves – one in league with their greatest nemesis and the other manning a ship of the undead…

Doctor Who – Time Lord Victorious: Mutually Assured Destruction
Audio CD – Audiobook, 31st December 2020
by Lizzie Hopley (Author)
This is the last release by Big Finish in a trilogy of stories in which the Eighth Doctor faces the Daleks. This follows He Kills Me, He Kills Me Not (releasing October 2020) and The Enemy of My Enemy (releasing November 2020). In this story, the Doctor must use all his cunning to survive while outnumbered and alone on a Dalek time-ship careering through the vortex. As the saucer disintegrates around them, the Doctor is trapped with a crew of increasingly desperate Daleks – or are the Daleks trapped with him? CAST: Paul McGann (The Doctor), Nicholas Briggs (The Daleks/Krinso), Samantha Beart (Tiska), Wilf Scolding (Groth). Other parts played by members of the cast.
• Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious items on DoctorWhoTV
- About the Author
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The founder of downthetubes, which he established in 1998. John works as a comics and magazine editor, writer, and on promotional work for the Lakes International Comic Art Festival. He is currently editor of Star Trek Explorer, published by Titan – his third tour of duty on the title originally titled Star Trek Magazine.
Working in British comics publishing since the 1980s, his credits include editor of titles such as Doctor Who Magazine, Babylon 5 Magazine, and more. He also edited the comics anthology STRIP Magazine and edited several audio comics for ROK Comics. He has also edited several comic collections, including volumes of “Charley’s War” and “Dan Dare”.
He’s the writer of “Pilgrim: Secrets and Lies” for B7 Comics; “Crucible”, a creator-owned project with 2000AD artist Smuzz; and “Death Duty” and “Skow Dogs” with Dave Hailwood.
Categories: Audio, Books, British Comics, Digital Media, Doctor Who, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Merchandise, Other Worlds