Glenn B Fleming tackles the Kennedy Conspiracy


Comic creator and publisher of the British comics magazine Crikey! Glenn B Fleming has sidestepped once again into the world conspiracies and unanswered mystery with S-172: Lee Harvey Oswald's Links to Intelligence Agencies.

Over the past half century, opinion has been divided as to the role of Lee Harvey Oswald in the ssassination of President John F Kennedy. The rumours began to spread almost immediately that the accused assassin may have been working for or was being manipulated by individuals involved with the United States Intelligence apparatus.

The most tantalising piece of evidence came from none other than Congressman Gerald R Ford, who had served as a Warren Commission member in 1964. Ford revealed in his (co-written) 1965 book Oswald: Portrait of the Assassin that the FBI had an 'undercover agent' in Dallas at the time of the assassination and that that agent was none other than Lee Harvey Oswald, the alleged assassin of President Kennedy.

The two most asked questions in the whole JFK assassination story remain unanswered: Who was Lee Harvey Oswald and what was his role on 22 November 1963?

In this book Glenn B Fleming looks at these claims and presents a compelling case that all is not as we have been told about accussed assassin Lee Harvey Oswald.

• S-172: Lee Harvey Oswald's Links to Intelligence Agencies is on sale now in all good bookshops


Categories: British Comics - Books, Other Worlds


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