Gosh! It’s Adventure Time in Berwick Street!

Gosh Adventure Time event poster

If you’ve been lucky enough to catch one of the Free Comic Book Day activity days at Gosh! London, you’ll know how great it is, that thing they do where they sit a bunch of cartoonists at the same table as your kids and let them draw stuff. But once a year? That’s not enough.

Adventure Time art by Braden Lamb

Adventure Time art by Braden Lamb

Gosh! are set to do it again on 10th August for another reason: Adventure Time, the massively popular Cartoon Network show and comic book series that your kids definitely like. They have two of the Adventure Time comic book artists – Braden Lamb and Shelli Paroline – at the Adventure Time Activity Day! Come get stuff signed! Do work sheets, do drawings, colour some stuff in and ask some questions. Want to be a cartoonist when you grow up? Ask them how. They’re going to draw Adventure Time stuff all day long. (All right, not all day long. Like, four hours. 12pm until 4.00pm)

Adventure Time Kids Activity Day with Braden Lamb + Shelli Paroline: Saturday 10th August, 12pm – 4.00pm, Gosh!, 1 Berwick Street, London W1F 0DR. Open Daily 10.30am – 7.00pm. More info: www.goshlondon.com

Marceline by Shelli Paroline

Marceline by Shelli Paroline


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