Bad news from Scotland this evening: the organisers of the popular annual Highlands comics convention Hi-Ex have announced that there will not be one in 2011.
“There’s no easy way of saying this, so we’ll just come right out with it: there isn’t going to be a HiEx in 2011,” co-organisers Richmond Clements, editor of Futurequake, and artist Vicky Stonebridge announced in a joint statement earlier today.
“We know, it’s terrible! But at the moment, we simply don’t have the spare time available over the next few months to get things ready on time and to do it justice and give you the event you deserve.”
Vicky and Rich, who are clearly downhearted at having to make the decision, also revealed they have been struggling with finding sponsorship for the event – which should come as no surprise as arts funding cuts begin to bite across the UK.
“We fully intend to return in 2012 (the End of the World not withstanding!),” the pair also announced, “and hopefully that extra time will give us more room to find sponsorship and/or grant money and get things organised!
“…It really is the last thing we’re wanting to do, but we have to be realistic with the amount of work required compared to the number of hours we have available to do it.”
We’re sure this is disappointing news for the event’s growing legion of fans, including those who even organised their own “Hell-Trek” to get to Inverness in a mini-bus from southern England last year. Let’s hope 2012 proves more receptive to comics events beyond the Cairngorms…
• Hi-Ex web site:
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