As the tables are cleared away and the volunteers, artists, writers and local traders head off for a post-convention tipple, we look back at how Glasgow Comic Con 2015 fared…
Organised by Black Hearted Press and spread over three sites, this convention has the ability to continue to grow. This year certainly saw an increase in attendees and the convention has still not hit its limit. Enjoying a 15 per cent increase from last year’s attendees, this convention is still punching the right buttons for attendees, and guests such as the Aces Weekly team – Jon Haward, Alan Grant, Colin MacNeil, Sean Phillips and Mark Millar – mean it’s difficult to see how this convention will do anything but grow over the next few years.
Once again, I am continually impressed with the standard of small press publishers, with Disconnected Press‘ Cross reminding me of Crisis strips such as “Third World War” and “New Statesmen”, Changeling Studios‘ Beast Wagon making me laugh with a dystopic Orwellian take on the world, Accent UK‘s Stephenson’s Robot and Cult Empire Comics‘ Vietnam Zombie Holocaust.
I’m just skimming the surface of the independents that were there, of course – I haven’t even mentioned the Plagued chronicles, which I always intend to get around to buying but never do. I will buy them one of these days!

Des O’Gorman and Molly Spartan doing their best to drum up enthusiasm for the Cosplay competition. Are you still ready to believe?
None of the dealers that left on Sunday seemed to be full of gloom, so I am assuming that it was a profitable trip for most of them. If not, then they were extremely cheerful to be losing money!
The extra dimension this year of having events on before and around the convention is an interesting idea and it’s one that I hope will pay off for the organisers and those attending. I have to admit that it was also fascinating to get the chance to talk to some of the artists as their trade began to die off. If you can, I would recommend getting down to the Lakes International Comic Art Festival this year as Sean Phillips’ exhibition Phono+Graphic sounds like it will be worthwhile if you are a comics and music fan, as it explores the wonderful world of albums covers drawn by comic artists.
The only downside to the event was being limited to how many items you could get signed by Mark Millar, but when you consider the queue for that signing session went outside the building quite a way, then it is understandable that there had to be a limit to allow as many people as possible the chance to get an elusive autograph. And if that is the only downside to a convention, then you are getting everything else right.
It was gratifying to see that many fans did not cut and run after Mark Millar finished his signing session, as it was busy right to the end of the convention.
Like the recent Edinburgh Comic Con, the atmosphere was friendly and people went out of their way to be inclusive rather than exclude anyone. In fact, one of the most powerful visuals that I have ever seen at a Comic Convention came from one of the cosplayers. And that cosplayer made me proud to be a comic fan.
• For news on future Glasgow Comic Cons visit:
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A life-long comic fan, specialising mainly in UK adventure comics, Colin did his very best to support his passion for the comics of his youth, Commandos (still going!) and any small press that interested him. Sadly, Colin passed in March 2021, an invaluable downthetubes team member, much missed by us all
Categories: British Comics, British Comics - Current British Publishers, Digital Comics, Exhibitions, Features, Reviews
We had great fun at our very first comic con. My wife had to put up with our son as Dennisthe menace and I was judge dredd ( I’m in top pic..shiny helmet) . Met some really nice folk there and managed to get a few autographs from the 2000AD bots. Roll on next year’s con.