This time last year actress, impressionist and singer Jessica Martin took her debut comic It Girl to Thought Bubble in Leeds. This was a biographical vignette of the silent movie star Clara Bow, star of the 1927 film It who inevitably became known as ‘the It girl’. Reviewed here on downthetubes we described the short black and white US sized title which Jessica both wrote and illustrated as “a remarkably confident first comic”.
This year at Thought Bubble Jessica will be releasing her second Hollywood Heroines comic with Vivacity which tells the life story of actress Vivian Leigh, from her early days as a young society wife dreaming of becoming an actress, to acting opposite Clark Gable in the most coveted actress role of the era, Scarlett O’Hara in Gone With The Wind, a film that remained the highest grossing film ever for over a quarter of a century.
In the last year Jessica Martin has moved on from It Girl on to have short strips included in the two Great War anthologies To End All Wars and To Arms! while continuing to work on her full length graphic novel Elsie Harris Picture Palace set like It Girl in the interwar period. Elsie Harris, which had its intro published as a bonus extra in It Girl, reached the shortlist for the Myriad Editions First Graphic Novel Prize which in June took Jessica to the British Library where she gave a presentation on her work. While it didn’t win the prize of being published by Myriad themselves, Elsie Harris Picture Palace has since been picked up by Miwk and is due to be published by them in May 2015.
In the meantime Jessica will be at Thought Bubble’s Royal Armouries Hall over the weekend of 15-16 November 2014 with Vivacity, It Girl and prints and postcards of her work.
There are more details of all Jessica Martin’s work on her official website and her blog while her comics, prints and postcards are available from her on-line shop:
Jessica Martin talked about her work to downthetubes here.
The downthetubes review of It Girl is here.
Jessica Martin’s debut graphic novel Elsie Harris Picture Palace has its own blog at:
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News, reviews, interviews and features for print and on-line: Spaceship Away (since October 2005), Bear Alley (since February 2007), downthetubes (since June 2007), and Eagle Times (since October 2008). Plus DC Thomson’s The Art Of Ian Kennedy, Titan’s Dan Dare and Johnny Red reprints, Ilex’s War Comics: A Graphic History and 500 Essential Graphic Novels, and Print Media’s The Iron Moon and Strip magazine.
Categories: British Comics, downthetubes Comics News, Site Announcements