Laydeez Do Comics: Ellen Lindner Talk

Whores of Mensa 5 – On Sale Now! from Ellen Lindner on Vimeo.

(with thanks to Peter Lally at Alternative Press): Comics’ artist Ellen Lindner will be discussing the process of putting together the just released issue of comics’ anthology Whores of Mensa at the next Laydeez Do Comics event in London (Monday 27th September).

The latest issue of WOM, on sale now, features comics by Cliodhna Lyons, Maartje Schalkx, Jeremy Day, Richard Cowdry, Peter Lally, and many more.

Ellen will also explain why she feels anthologies matter, and self-publishing in general – especially her experience self-publishing her graphic novel, Undertow.

Ellen’s talk should be very informative as she has a very full experience of this whole field and the issues creators may face, including fundraising, editing, launching, selling, t-shirt /badge/merchandising, cake-making, etc. — all while still carrying on a personal artistic career, having an outside life, being a married woman, and her budding film actress career.

All to produce a small-press work – what madness!

• Laydeez Do Comics – Talk by Ellen Lindner – Monday 27 September, 6.30pm, The Sewing Room ,  The Rag Factory, 16-18 Heneage Street, London E1 5LJ
• Laydeez do Comics  –

Whores of Mensa:
• Buy Issue 5 of Whores of Mensa here

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