Marvelman Challenge Winner!

Marking the 30th anniversary of the launch of Warrior earlier this year, here at DownTheTubes we issued a challenge to creators on our Forum to draw one of its most famous characters, Marvelman.

While the response wasn’t huge – we aren’t a huge group and many of you are very busy people! – our Marvelman Challenge 2012 did garner some terrific entries, from artists including Keith Page, John Peter Britton and others.

However, after much agonising, I came down to two entries – one by Andrea Motta, whose art offers a very singular vision of the hero, and Paul McCaffrey, who took a more traditional but dramatic approach to the character.

After mulling over the different approaches, I’ve decided to decalre Paul the ‘winner’ of the Challenge, but it was a very close thing.

Thanks to everyone who entered!

• Any thoughts on what our next challenge should be? Drop me a line via the DownThe Tubes Forum.

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