Marvelman Challenge!

Warrior Issue 1

As it’s recently been noted on several blogs and forums that the Dez Skinn-created Warrior was first published 30 years ago (including Lew Stringer’s terrific blog, see:, I thought I’d throw down a challenge to readers and members of the downthetubes forum – draw Marvelman!

It could be a simple dramatic (or humorous) pose, or an imaginary page – it’s all just for fun.

Simply post your entries to the forum (note: you’ll need to join the forum first if you aren’t already a member*) and I’ll ‘feature’ the entries in a new gallery on the forum (Commando artist Keith Page was first to send me an entry, but I’ve included a couple of historical Marvelman images there, too).

The entry I like the most will win the artist some British comic goodie from my bizarre collection of British comic stuff.

Deadline for entries is 3rd April 2012.

I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

View the Marvelman 2012 Challenge Gallery

Marvelman copyright – er, well, let’s not go there, shall we? if you don’t want to join the forum, just email me your entry to the DTT editorial address on the DTT blog.

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