Never Iron Anything Podcast heads to Rupert Bear’s Nutwood

Rupert Bear Wall Calendar 2022

The latest Never Iron Anything podcast sees Tony Esmond and Alan Henderson discuss the forgotten stylings of Rupert Bear and his land of Nutwood.

They also examine the art of Alfred E. Bestall and the character’s creators, writer Herbert Tourtel and illustrator Mary Tourtel.

Rupert Bear first appeared in the Daily Express newspaper on 8th November 1920 and is much loved worldwide, with a dedicated Official Rupert Bear Society, The Followers of Rupert Bear.

Also, listen out for the scandal that rocked the British Court system and a certain ear-worm of a song by a Beatle! Not to be missed.

Tony, a past contributor to downthetubes, is also a founding contributor to the Awesome Comic Podcast, who have just interviewed Storm King Comics writer, Producer and CEO Sandi King (John Carpenter’s Asylum).

Sandi, who’s working with UK artist Dave Kennedy, joins the gang to talk about how the SK publishing journey started, working with collaborators from all over the world, comic book editing and their exciting new books coming out this year!

Plus there’s tons of indie comics to check out, info to learn, events and crowfunders to check out and of course plenty of laughs too!

Never Iron Anything Podcast

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You can catch up with Alan Henderson’s art and comics here

The Followers of Rupert Bear

Storm King Comics

Categories: Audio, British Comics, Comics, Creating Comics, Digital Media, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Other Worlds, Podcasts

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