Doctor Who: Panel to Panel celebrates 10 years of charting tie-in comics

Doctor Who - Panel to Panel Podcast - Tenth Anniversary Banner

Today marks the 10th anniversary of Jeremy Bement’s informative and thoroughly enjoyable podcast Doctor Who: Panel to Panel. Congratulations to him for bringing fans of Doctor Who comics so many great interviews, reviews and insights into the creation of many comics, and keeping abreast of new stories ahead.

Recent episodes have included a mix of classic and new interviews such as Ed Hammond, Senior Editor at Panini in charge of the Doctor Who collected editions, talking about current collected releases as well as future books in the Doctor Who line to put on your bookshelves (Episode 171); and a catch up with some of the team behind the latest issue of the brilliant Doctor Who fanzine, Vworp Vworp, Paul Ebbs, Faiz Rehman and Gareth Kavanagh (Episode 172).

“It doesn’t seem that long ago I released my first episode focusing on two of my loves: Doctor Who and comics,” says Jeremy, who launched his project in January 2014 with an episode reviewing the first ever Doctor Who comic strip published by Marvel UK, “The Iron Legion”, and a then-new tale, “Pay the Piper”, published in Doctor Who Magazine #468.

“Since then I’ve reviewed hundreds of comics and stories and interviewed numerous writers, artists, editors and creators,” he reminds us. “Thank you to everyone who has listened and especially those who have been on my show and shared their stories.”

Thank you, Jeremy, for your diligence and hard work, bringing us interviews from the podcast’s early days with creators such as Roger Langridge, Simon Fraser, Rob Williams and Al Ewing, Richard Starkings, Lee Sullivan, Adriana Melo and Emma Vieceli – to name but a few.

This Saturday will see a new episode – Episode 175, no less – with two interviews and a comic panel from a recent convention featuring two creators Jeremy has never had on the podcast before. Don’t miss it!

• Download Doctor Who: Panel to Panel on iTunes, Podomatic, or wherever you find podcasts – or listen right here | The Doctor Who Panel to Panel Podcast is archived on the Internet Archive

• Check out Doctor Who – Panel to Panel and read The Ten Doctors here on (link goes to

Older episodes of Doctor Who: Panel to Panel are archived on the Internet Archive

Categories: Audio, British Comics, Comics, Creating Comics, Digital Media, Doctor Who, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Other Worlds, Podcasts, Television

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