Newcastle Gets The Canny Comic Con

Newcastle-Upon-Tyne has long had a regular comic mart to go with its branches of Travelling Man and Forbidden Planet, but it has apparently been some fifteen years since it has had a big comics event. Small Press Big Mouth-er Stacey Whittle is about to change all that with a convention called The Canny Comic Con.

Described as “a little festival of comics and sequential art” CCC will be at Newcastle’s City Library on New Bridge Street West on Saturday 10 December 2011 beginning at 10am and will be free. Current plans include talks and panel discussions, workshops, and “a hall of stalls” and the guest list currently includes artists Bryan Talbot, Leonie O’Moore and Andrew Waugh.

There are more details on The Canny Comic Con blog and Facebook page.

There are more details about Newcastle City Library on its website.

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