Pass me a chain gun, Lou Scannon is back

Lou Scannon by Huw-J

The wait is over – Lou Scannon #6: Loose Cannons is now available from!

Uniting plot threads and characters from the first five stand-alone issues, Loose Cannons is Lou’s most explosive, action-packed small-press comic entry yet! And it still manages to cram the humour in amongst the fireworks! Remarkable. Probably.

Lou Scannon Issue 6 Sample Panel

Lou Scannon Issue 6 Sample Page

Produced by Eagle Award finalists Dan Harris,  Kris Carter and Jim Bampfield, with letters by HdE, issue 6 comes with a full colour wraparound cover by ‘Garth’ artist Huw-J. As with previous issues it’s as daft as ever and well worth tracking down – as if that was hard, with the web link right up there in the first paragraph.

Lou Scannon Issue 6 Sample Panel

“It also contains ‘making-ofs’, a letters page and other additional content!” enthuses Kris. “Plus, we give the medical robot chain-guns in this issue, so that’s probably worth a look.”

The 32 page, B&W book is currently available for £3.00 plus p&p from

What, another web link? What clever marketing ploy is this?

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