Poems Turned into Funny Comics: The Long Walk Hame

The Long Walk HameThe Lang Walk Hame, released earlier this year, is many things. It’s a poem, it’s a comic, it’s a journey!

Join writer Peter Watson and a crack team of artists headed up by Gordon Johnston as they bring you this unique comic book, funded through Kickstarter, and currently on sale in Forbidden Planet in Glasgow.

A page from “The Long Walk Hame” by Craig Collins and Gordon Johnston, coloured by Chris McAuley

A page from “The Long Walk Hame” by Craig Collins and Gordon Johnston, coloured by Chris McAuley

It’s an all too familiar Scottish tale. You’re walking home from the pub, late at night and then suddenly realise you desperately need to pee!

That’s exactly the predicament the protagonist in The Lang Walk Hame finds himself in. His journey is told through a combination of modern Scots poetry and hilarious imagery.

If it’s laughter you’re after urine for a treat…

The Lang Walk Hame is coloured throughout by Chris McAuley, who gives the disparate art, created by a variety of talents, a welcome continuity.

“The colouring job on the comic was incredibly complicated as it had artwork from over a dozen artists weaving a tale that bridged fantasy and reality,” noted writer Peter Watson.

“Chris offered his services as colourist and I was blown away by the work he did on the project. He breathed life into what was once a daft notion in my head.

“It was a particularly challenging comic as there were so many different artistic styles on it. This didn’t faze Chris. He used his incredible skills to invigorate the pages giving it a continuity that was lacking from the black and white version. His colour choices are second to none and can quickly make changes on a tight deadline. I cannot recommend him highly enough.”

Check out The Long Walk Hame project here on Facebook

Peter was interviewed on Episode 208 of the Awesome Comics Podcast. Peter’s interview starts around 1 hr 17 minutes

Categories: British Comics, Crowd Funding Projects, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News

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