Sector 13 Comics charity fundraising success after new comics launch

Independent comics publisher Sector 13 Comics has announced their fundraising for NHS Charities Together through sales of their new titles has raised over £1000.

Sector 13 Comics – Whapp!, Splank! and Yow!
Sector 13 Comics’ Whapp!, Splank! and Yow! are inspired by the 1960s Odhams titles, Wham! Smash! and Pow – more details here

Inspired by the legendary Odhams “Power Comics” titles, Wham!Smash! and Pow!,  Whapp!Splank! and Yow! launched at Enniskillen Comic Fest earlier this month.

“Just a word of thanks to everyone who has supported Whapp!, Splank! and Yow! so far,” said publisher and editor Peter Duncan in a Facebook post.

Sector 13 Comics team at Enniskillen Comic Fest 2024. Photo: James Bacon
Some of the Sector 13 Comics team at the launch of their new titles at Enniskillen Comic Fest earlier this month. Photo: James Bacon

The origin of these new comics lay in a number of visits Peter made to the hospital just before and just after the COVID epidemic started.

“I saw for myself the pressure staff were under and the remarkable way they dealt with, the fears they must have been feeling and patients who did not always appreciate their efforts,” he recalls.

“Shortages of beds, protective equipment and staff numbers did not stop them from acting with compassion and skill.

“Our whole family owe the NHS a great debt of gratitude.

“We’ve just hit the £1000 mark for donations on the Splank!, Just Giving page. About half of that came from a digital version of Splank! I published during the pandemic, with the rest coming from early sales of Whapp!, Splank! and Yow!

“If you’d like to help us get the total a bit higher, and get to read what I honestly believe to be a very special set of comics, please buy Whapp!, Splank! and Yow! from Sector 13 Comics. Thank you.”

• You can order all these new Sector 13 Comics here:

See also: Sector 13 Comics launch Trio of Titles to Benefit “NHS Charities Together”

• Splank! Fundraising Page on JustGiving

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