Soaring Penguin catches the Undertow

British indie publisher Soaring Penguin Books has just published its first book of 2012 – Undertow by Ellen Lindner.

Set amidst the chaos of a summer weekend at Coney Island, Undertow tells the story of Rhonda, a girl suddenly overwhelmed by events beyond her control. Her mother’s alcoholism, her best friend’s death…and now a social worker who’s intent on making it all better. Only her brother seems to understand what she’s going through, but even he doesn’t think much of her plan to escape it all by finding a career.

A story of finding your way in life and deciding who you are, Undertow takes the reader on a tour of a side of the 1950’s that didn’t make it into the romance comics: heroin, sex, and hopelessness, with a dash of nightclub dancing and swimming after curfew.

Born on Long Island, Ellen, also editor of the The Strumpet, has been livng in London for the last seven years. Her classic style, intricate detail, and sharp storytelling let her readers explore a world that is otherwise unknown to them. She first self-published Undertow in 2009, and over the last few years she has participated in two UK comics collectives – Whores of Mensa and the more rcently-launched Comix Reader. Both exhibit the work and talent of underground comic illustrators and their underground work.

• Soaring Penguin Books:

• Ask for a copy at Gosh!, Orbital Comics or any other of the UK’s fine comics retailers.

• This new hardcover of Undertow is on sale now in the UK and you can read the first chapter in Ellen’s Undertow gallery

• Ellen’s blog is here and her web site is here, and you can aso fnd her on Twitter

Categories: downthetubes News


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