Take the Climate Change Denialism Challenge set by comic creator Léonard Chemineau

Last year, French illustrator and comic artist Léonard Chemineau created a wonderfully pertinent poster featuring the 12 types of Climate Change Denialism that’s now gone viral, especially as he happily encourages people to feel free to share, print, and download his images as much as you want!

“Where is your favourite politician among these?”, he challenges.”Where is your old uncle? Where is your neighbour? And where are you?”

All his separate “denialist” images are available here, along with a high resolution version of the complete poster here, in English, French, German and other languages.

Born in 1982, Léonard Chemineau is an engineer by training, specialising in the environment and sustainable development. Initially recognised in the Angoulême Festival 2009 Young Talents competition, his first graphic novel, Les Amis de Pancho Villa (The Friends of Pancho Villa) was published in 2012. More recent projects include Les Premiers (2015) and Le Travailleur de la nuit (The Night Worker, 2017).

La Bibliomule de Cordoue by Wilfred Lupano and Léonard Chemineau
A panel from La Bibliomule de Cordoue

His latest project, La Bibliomule de Cordoue, written by Wilfrid Lupano (Les Vieux Fourneaux, Blanc Autour), coloured by Christophe Bouchard, is due for release in French in November by Dargaud. It’s a fantastic-looking historical adventure that centres on Tarid, a chubby eunuch in charge of the library of Cordoba, determined to save thousands of books from destruction on the order of a new ruler seeking support from religious fanatics.

Tarid collects as many books as he can from the endangered library, loads them on the back of a passing mule and runs away, into the hills north of Cordoba. Joined by Lubna, a young black copyist, and Marwan, his former apprentice turned thief, he undertakes the craziest of adventures: to cross almost all of Spain with an overloaded “bibliomule”, pursued by Berber mercenaries…

Léonard Chemineau is online at leolinne.com | Follow Léonard on Twitter here

Grab his Climate Denialists poster and images here

Categories: Art and Illustration, Comic Art, Comic Creator Spotlight, Comics, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News, Other Worlds

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