Tripwire Presents Bristol Comic Con poster by Sean Phillips revealed, guest list shapes up

Tripwire Presents Bristol Comic Con 2022 - Art by Sean Phillips

Tripwire magazine has kicked off its landmark 30th anniversary year with a brand-new poster commissioned from award-winning artist Sean Phillips (CriminalReckless) for the Tripwire Presents Bristol Comic Con, happening this September.

A new comic convention, taking place at Britsol’s Doubletree at Hilton in Redcliffe on 3rd – 4th September 2022, the event will feature top British, American and European guests. The programme will also include comic workshops, led by the best in international talent over the weekend. 

Elena Casagrande
Elena Casagrande
Howard Chaykin
Howard Chaykin

Confirmed gusts include Elena Casagrande (Black WidowBlade Runner), Howard Chaykin (American Flagg!The Shadow), Lysa Hawkins (Valiant Comics), Jock (Batman: One Dark KnightLosers), Carlos Pacheco (ArrowsmithX-Men) and Sean Phillips, too.

2022 is Tripwire’s 30th anniversary and the event will see the launch of a special Tripwire book at the show, and exhibitions of Tripwire editor-in-chief Joel Meadows’ many comics and genre portrait photographs, and select artwork from many of the guests attending the show.

Sean Phillips poster, a pastiche of Sergio Leone’s classic Once Upon A Time In The West work, features Batman, Harley Quinn, Hellboy and Moon Knight – and also includes features from the city of Bristol, including the coloured houses in Redcliffe, a short walk from the hotel which is hosting the convention. 

“We are very proud that we could get such an acclaimed artist to create our first show poster,” says Tripwire editor-in-chief Joel Meadows.

A2 and A3 limited edition copies of Sean’s poster will only be available through Kickstarter from February.

Tripwire, a UK comics and genre magazine for 30 years and, today, a website, has featured interviews with every major figure in the worlds of comics and genre. In 2021 it returned to publishing a print magazine, once a year. 

• Tickets for Tripwire Presents Bristol Comic Con – running –  (3rd – 4th September 2022) can be purchased from Eventbrite, including Early Bird tickets until 3rd March 2022, which includes a limited edition Martin (Department of Truth) Simmonds print.

• For further information about Tripwire Presents Bristol Comic Con visit 

Tripwire Online:

Tripwire Presents Bristol Comic Con – Confirmed Guests

Sean Phillips (2021)
Sean Phillips

In Alphabetical Order…

• Laurence Campbell (Hellboy
• Elena Casagrande (Black WidowBlade Runner
• Amanda Conner (Harley QuinnSupergirl
• Howard Chaykin (American Flagg!The Shadow
• Jorge Fornes (RorschachBatman)  
• Lysa Hawkins (Valiant Comics) 
• Jock (Batman: One Dark KnightLosers
• Carlos Pacheco (ArrowsmithX-Men
• Jimmy Palmiotti (Harley QuinnPop Kill
• Sean Phillips (RecklessCriminal
• Martin Simmonds (Department Of Truth
• Cavan Scott (Star Wars
• Brian Stelfreeze (Black PantherJohn Wick
• Rob Williams (Judge DreddHellboy)

With more to be announced

• Tickets for Tripwire Presents Bristol Comic Con – running –  (3rd – 4th September 2022) can be purchased from Eventbrite, including Early Bird tickets until 3rd March 2022, which includes a limited edition Martin (Department of Truth) Simmonds print.

• For further information about Tripwire Presents Bristol Comic Con visit 

Tripwire Online:

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