Tube Surfing: Tony Lee on writing, Richard Starkings on Elephantmen and Pete Ashton on comics (what’s not to like, you lucky, lucky people!?!)

Links, link, links.
Links, links, links.
Links, links, links, links…links, links, links (sung to the tune of Postman Pat):

Tony Lee shares his comics-writing process over at his blog…

‘So recently on my Twitter page,’ he writes, ‘I spoke about blocking out comics, and in particular how I work. And, having spent a large amount of today scripting a chunk of pages that I spent much of last week getting ready, I thought I’d take the tweets that I put up a few days ago, re jig them about a little and put down in words just how I write a comic, blocking out pages and all.’

• There’s still time to enter Thought Bubble’s Northern Sequential Art Competition (the closing date is 9th October 2010):

‘The theme of this year’s competition is ‘November in the North of England’. Your story can be told with text and illustrations or by imagery alone. It must be a new, complete story with six panels or more. The page must contain the story’s title. Your story must be A3 in size so that if you win we can be sure the reproduction will be good quality for print. One entry per person.’

• Ooh, there’s a Self-Publishers’ Fair in Manchester on 3rd October 2010…

• I very much enjoyed this interview with writer, editor, publisher, letterer and karaoke singer Richard Starkings

‘If you’re a regular comics reader, your life has probably already been touched by Richard Starkings – his company, Comicraft, has provided lettering and graphic design for Marvel, DC Comics, Dark Horse, and Image (among others) on some of their most prominent titles, including Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 8, Marvels, Astro City, Batman: Hush, and many more. However, Starkings is also very well known for his science fiction/noir/adventure series for Image Comics, Elephantmen! We were fortunate enough to be able to interview this very talented writer (and, full disclosure, one of our karaoke pals) and ask him about the future of Elephantmen.’

• Blogger, photographer, (ex) zinester, DIY culture enthusiast, social media specialist, comics fan and all-round ‘man about the Internet’ Pete Ashton has been talking about small press comics. Here’s a video of his presentation on the emergence of the British Small Press Comics scene in the early 1980s.

Anyway, that’s all for now, folks. Ta ta until my next Tube Surf…

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