Acomic you might have been buying from your newsagent…in 1921? (with thanks to comic creator Tim Quinn)
Here’s your British creator and publisher-skewed comics shopping list for this week, featuring new comics on sale in comic shops (from Wednesday 21st December) and newsagents.
Have a great festive season, enjoy your comics and our very best wishes for 2017… But remember that even in this festive period, it is of course your duty as comic fans to ensure the 2000AD Christmas Special, the new Judge Dredd Magazine, the Beano, EPIC and other titles with originated strip are prominently displayed in all newsagents… Especially WHSmith, where these comics with short shelf lives are bewilderingly hidden from view, damaging potential sales.
In comic shops this week, delayed from last: the first Issue of Titan Comics Hook Jaw (inspired by the original strip from 1970s comic Action), written by Si Spurrier and drawn by Conor Boyle, a layered affair of a tale setting up what’s shaping already into an environmentally-themed action adventure, complete with an unhinged killer shark.
Those worried by the misportrayal of sharks when this book was first announced should have their fears allayed, while those who grew up enjoying Hook Jaw ripping into human scumbags will not be disappointed either. Yes, we know it isn’t very Christmassy, but a deranged shark clearly has no concept of Yuletide…
Also out this week there’s the continuing adventures of Assassin’s Creed in Awakenings, Templars and next week, on 27th December, it’s the final issue of Assassin’s Creed: Assassin’s with #14 – and nothing will be the same again!
These titles are just in time for the hugely anticipated Assassin’s Creed movie starring Michael Fassbender, in cinemas now in the US and 1st January in the UK.
The stunning first issue of World War X aldo debuts this week – an apocalyptic, B-movie infused sci-fi horror from the artist of B.P.R.D. and A God Somewhere, Peter Snejbjerg.
You can find more details of these, as well as other titles including the next instalments of Mycroft Holmes, Warhammer 40,000, Doctor Who and more below.
UK Newsagents Releases
There are plenty of comics on sale in newsagents that still delight in bringing you such subversive delights, including 2000AD, The Beano, Danger Mouse, Commando (latest release intel here), EPIC! recently revamped), Judge Dredd Megazine, Panini Comics Marvel Collector Editions titles, Titan Comics superhero titles and VIZ, with great strips also featuring in titles such as Doctor Who Magazine, Doctor Who Adventures, Doctor Who: Tales from the TARDIS (collecting their strips from the US format titles), MegaTOXIC and many others.
Don’t forget the wonderful Phoenix Comic is on sale in many (but not all) Waitrose supermarkets and selected high street WH Smiths stores – and some comic shops (stockist list here), as well as available on subscription.
So let’s not get too downhearted by some British publishers lack of faith in full-blown cover to cover comic strip action and humour that only those of us over a certain age remember.
Hachette Partworks, whose partwork titles include Doctor Who: The Complete History and Judge Dredd: The Mega Collection, continue their How To Draw The Marvel Way, along with their re-release of their hugely successful part work, Marvel’s Marvel Ultimate Graphic Novel series.
Note that you may now have to subscribe if you want to continue buying Part Works some are not distributed in newsagents after their first few issues.
Digital Comic Picks
Aces Weekly Volume 25 is out now! Coming at you in seven weekly parts every Monday night – for just £1, in any currency, per week! There is no better deal on the planet for discerning comics readers!
In Volume 25… Part 3 of “The Flight”, from Jeffrey Vaughn and The Art of Brendon and Brian Fraim ; the tragi-comic, and inimitable, “Why Don’t You Love Me?” from Paul Rainey; “Mercy Killing” from Marcello Bondi and Giuseppe Latanza ; the radical, “Goons Of The Galaxy”, from the spaced-out, Marc Jackson ; feverish fantasy from Jok LP and Rodolfo Santullo in “The Big Hit” ; a beautifully told tale of a drowned world of the future, in, “BOOM! Nowhere”, from Katie Cunningham and Heather Fisher; and, later in the volume, in the tradition of “Blacksad” and Elephantmen, the AW team bring you “Chief Inspector Gator” from Anthony Zicari and Oscar Capristo… up to 200 pages, including Extras. £1 per week. That’s it – that’s all!
• Subscribe here – and Spread the word!
Ih, and Check out the new issue of indie comics fanzine The Pull List from Pipedream Comics – The Best of Indie, Small Press and Digital Comics. They look at the future of digital comics, with a exclusive interview with Aces Weekly‘s publisher David Lloyd. Plus Aces Weekly features in their run down of the 10 best alternatives to ComiXology.
Digital anthology 100% Biodegradable #15, featuring strips from Paul H. Birch, Alan Burrows, David Hailwood, Tony Suleri, Dave Thomson and many others is also on sale now – full details here
British Comic Publishers
Still on Sale: 2000AD Christmas Special 2016
2000AD Prog 2011 sees the return of Chris Weston (The Invisibles) to “Judge Dredd” and a brand new cover by veteran artist Cliff Robinson, plus everything from everyone behaving themselves in Mega-City One (briefly) to giant trans-dimensional worms and the continued rise of the Dark Judges!
This bumper 100-page issue is a veritable festive selection box of Thrill-powered treats, including traditional staples like “Judge Dredd’ and “Ace Trucking Co.” alongside new favourites such as “Aquila”, “Kingdom”, “The Order” and “The Fall of Deadworld”.
Plus, two brand new series debut this issue – in “Kingmaker”, writer Ian Edginton (Hinterkind), artist Leigh Gallagher (Defoe) and letterer Ellie De Ville (ABC Warriors) take the long-worn tropes of JRR Tolkien and smash them into Star Wars for a cross-genre tale about rebellion and ancient evil.
In noir magical thriller “Hope” by writer Guy Adams (Goldtiger), artist Jimmy Broxton (Knight and Squire) and letterer Simon Bowland (James Bond), it’s a 1940s Hollywood where victory in World War Two was achieved by occult means. Magic is now a part of daily life, but the costs can be high – especially for Mallory Hope, a magician and private investigator who only wants to find his wife and son.
And, last but not least, there’s a history of the 1980s’ ‘horror comic for girls’, Misty, as well as a special preview of “Read Em and Weep”, the new serial killer novel by Pat Mills set in the world of British comics, with illustrations by Kevin O’Neill (League of Extraordinary Gentlemen)!
The full line-up of Prog 2011 is:
· “Judge Dredd: Boxing Day” by Rob Williams (Writer) Chris Weston (Artist) Annie Parkhouse (Letterer)
· “The Fall of Deadworld: Winter Break” by Kek-W (Writer) Dave Kendall (Artist) Annie Parkhouse (Letterer)
· “Kingmaker” by Ian Edginton (Writer) Leigh Gallagher (Artist) Ellie De Ville (Letterer)
· “Aquila: Mors Venetiae” by Gordon Rennie (Writer) Paul Davidson (Artist) Gary Caldwell (Colourist) Simon Bowland (Letterer)
· “Ace Trucking Co.: The Festive Flipflop” by Eddie Robson (Writer) Nigel Dobbyn (Artist) Ellie De Ville (Letterer)
· “Kingdom: As It Is In Heaven” by Dan Abnett (Writer) Richard Elson (Artist) Ellie De Ville (Letterer)
· “The Order: Wyrm War” by Kek-W (Writer) John Burns (Artist) Annie Parkhouse (Letterer)
· Hope: … For The Future” by Guy Adams (Writer) Jimmy Broxton (Artist) Simon Bowland (Letterer)
2000AD Prog 2011 is priced at £4.99/$9.99 and is available now all good newsagents and comic book stores in the UK and Ireland
Judge Dredd Magazine Issue 379
The latest issue of Judge Dredd Megazine comes wrapped in a stunning Juge Anderson cover by Alex Ronald and comes with a bagged reprint of “Sinister Dexter – Life Is An Open Casket”.
Available from all good newsagents the issue includes:
Judge Dredd // Psicho (Part: 2)
Mega-City One, 2138 AD. This vast urban hell on the east coast of post-apocalyptic North America is home to over 72 million citizens. With unemployment rife and boredom universal, tensions are on a knife-edge and crime is rampant. Stemming the tide of chaos are future lawmen the Judges, empowered to dispense instant justice. Toughest of them all is Judge Dredd – he is the Law!
Blunt // Blunt (Part: 8)
The Mega-City One colony Getri-1, 2138 AD. On this remote outpost, Earth colonists have been attempting to make a new home on the planet, cataloguing and exploring its unusual flora and fauna. Dependent on supply drops from the Big Meg, life out here can be hard – so when their shuttle crash lands in the Argossa Wilds, it’s vital they retrieve it…
Angelic // Home is the Hunter (Part: 3)
The Texas City Radlands, 2075. He emerged out of the desolate wastelands without a name or able to remember much of his past. Injured, clearly fleeing from individuals who want to do him harm, all he could do was mouth the word ‘Angel’. Now, escaping his former life, Angel is making a home in the Cursed Earth with his adopted son Linc…
ANDERSON // Judgement Call (Part: 1)
Mega-City One, the cusp of the twenty-second century. Eight hundred million people are living in the ruin of the old world, a planet devastated by atomic war. Only one thing fighting for order in a metropolis teetering on the brink of chaos – the men and women of the Hall of Justice. Judge Anderson is still coming to terms with her experiences in Peach Trees and the reality of being psychic…
Web: centrala.org.uk/en/category/titles
Elephant on the Moon
Author: Mikołaj Pasiński
Illustrator: Gosia Herba
Elephant on the Moon is a richly illustrated tale of courage, passion and determination. Although it is directed mainly at younger readers, it refers to serious events.
In a small town there lives a lady astronomer. Every evening she looks at the moon through her telescope. She knows it like the back of her own hand. Even in her sleep she can name all the mountains, the craters and the oceans of the silvery globe. One night she makes an amazing discovery. Can it be that there’s an elephant living on the moon? The members of the Moon Society refuse to believe her.
Elephant on the Moon is a richly illustrated tale of courage, passion and determination. Although it is directed mainly at younger readers, it refers to serious events. Sir Paul Neal in the seventeenth century – one of the astronomers of the Royal Society – is supposed to have been the first to observe an elephant on the moon. At the time, his discovery provoked much confusion and fired the imaginations of many writers. Thanks to Samuel Butler’s satirical account, the story reached France. Fontaine himself wrote a tale about it – “Un animal dans la lune.” Almost 350 years later Gosia Herba and Mikołaj Pasiński have come back to this story of the moon, and out of it they have spun a new tale full of adventure.
Erik the Red
Author: Søren Mosdal
Inspired by the real story of the colonisation of Greenland, a tale of the wild North, masterfully told by the Danish author Søren Mosdal.
In the year 982, Erik Torvaldsson, also known Erik the Red, left Iceland following a bloody feud with his neighbour. He set out to find a mysterious island to the north. He found it and, to attract settlers, he named it called it Greenland.
With gifts and bribes he ruled his colony undisturbed by Christian kings and priests until the beginnig of the year 1000.
Web: www.humanoids.com
By the Numbers
Art: Stanislas
Writer : Laurent Rullier
The accidental adventures of Victor Levallois, a timid accountant that gets pulled into a life of danger. It all started in 1948 when Victor was entrusted with an unusual errand: deliver a suitcase to the port of Marseilles. But, when the suitcase is stolen, Victor finds himself bound for Saigon and the decadence, intrigue and adventure of a colonial war!
Weapons of the Metabaron
Collaboration : Travis Charest
Writer : Alejandro Jodorowsky
Art : Travis Charest, Zoran Janjetov
The seminal series’ spin-off story recounting how the mightiest warrior in the universe built his arsenal of war.
The creative trio of Jodorowsky, Charest, and Janjetov shows us how the Metabaron assembled the galaxy’s most powerful and destructive weapons in an effort to secure his position as the universe’s ultimate warrior. Travis Charest’s (Artist of Wildcats, WildC.A.T.s/X-Men: The Golden Age, and Star Wars comics Cover Artist) interpretation of ‘The Metabarons’ mythology.
Titan Comics
Assassin’s Creed Awakening #2 (of 6)
Writer: Yano Takashi
Artist: Oiwa Kenji
With Masato’s mother in a coma and her life in the Templars’ hands, will Masato be able to find the answers he seeks by continuing with Edward Senway’s life as an 18th Century pirate turned unwilling Assassin? Or could this next voyage kill them both?
Cover A: Oiwa Kenji
Cover B: Kate Brown
Cover C: John Aggs
Assassins Creed Locus #4 (of 4)
Writer: Ian Edginton
Artist: Caspar Wijngaard
Pinkerton agent, Tommy Greyling’s hunt across Victorian London reaches a heady climax after his mark’s identity is finally revealed. But will his newly learned skills be enough to stop the killer’s planes? With the Frye twins onside, it’s going to be a bloody conclusion!
Dark Souls Winters Spite #2 (of 4)
Writer: George Mann
Artist: Alan Quah
Trapped in a never-ending cycle of death and misery, Andred’s course across the barren lands of Parnethia leads him ever closer to the fabled House of Winterspite, where his hopes of deliverance lie. But an approaching hoard of frost hollows could spell an early doom for this noble knight of Ithvale…
Doctor Who: The Ninth Doctor #8
Writer: Cavan Scott
Artist: Cris Bolson
UNIT agent Tara Mishra is on the verge of whistleblowing the existence of aliens to the British public, after rampaging daikaiju have been spotted in the English Channel! Can the Doctor, Rose, and Jack prevent her from changing the course of the 20th century by revealing the truth… and do they even want to? Plus! A new companion aboard the TARDIS — and a new thread in the unravelling weave of Jack’s missing memories!
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor Year Two #15
Writer: Si Spurrier / Rob Williams
Artist: Simon Fraser
Colorist: Gary Caldwell
Letterer: Comicraft
It’s all come down to this, the epic conclusion to the Eleventh Doctor’s second year! With a trail of temporal devastation in his wake, and casualties mounting among his companions, can the Doctor find the truth at last about his Time War crime? And will that truth, once won, prove to have been worth the cost?!
Cover A: Tom Humberstone
Cover B: Will Brooks Photo
Cover C: jaKE
Hook Jaw #1 (of 5)
Writer: Si Spurrier
Artist: Conor Boyle
Colorist: Guilia Brusco
In the troubled waters off Somalia, a rag-tag group of marine scientists studying a pack of female great white sharks find themselves caught in a conflict between pirates and the might of the US Navy. But why is the CIA so interested in the work of the scientists? And just how will they face up to the shadowy terror of the legendary great white – HOOK JAW?!
Cover A: Conor Boyle
Cover B: John McCrea
Cover C: Marc Laming
Cover D: Anna Dittman
Cover E: Steve White
Diamond UK variant: Brian Williamson
Masked #2
Frank Braffort has caught the attention of the Government officials working most closely with the mysterious anomalies populating the city. With little to go on, but mounting pressure as the anomalies take on more extreme forms, Frank is thrust into the limelight in a way he could never have imagined!
Mycroft #4 (of 5)
Writers: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Raymond Obstfeld
Artist: Joshua Cassara
In search of the purloined Apocalypse Handbook, Mycroft Holmes and Lark Adler criss-cross the United States, facing danger and intrigue at every turn. But what does the latest heist of Jesse James and his band of outlaws have to do with their quest? What secrets is Lark hiding in her past? And what traumas and triumphs have shaped Mycroft into the man he is today?
Cover A: Claudia Ianniciello
Cover B: Joshua Cassara & Luis Guerrero
Cover C: Mariano Laclaustra
Rivers Of London Black Mould #3 (of 5)
Writer: Ben Aaronovitch, Andrew Cartmel
Artist: Lee Sullivan
Titan’s hit Rivers of London series continues its Third Year!
Samurai Brothers In Arms #4 (of 6)
Writer Jean-François Di Giorgio
Artist Frédéric Genêt
Destiny derails Takeo once again in his attempt to lift the veil on the mysterious family history he and his brother Akio are attempting to uncover. But this time, it’ not only warlords getting in their way… women have entered the fray!
Tank Girl Gold #3 (of 4)
Writer: Alan Martin
Artist: Brett Parson
It’s time to shift the spotlight as our regular heroine takes a little time out for some well-deserved R&R (that’s robbing and randsacking to you folks). Get ready for Tank Girl Gold’s skull-shattering JET GIRL SPECIAL!
The Mummy (Hammer) #2 (of 5)
Writer: Peter Milligan
Artist: Ronilson Friere
Having escaped from the clutches of the sinister Sect of Annubis, Angel, an Ukrainian immigrant trafficked illegally into the UK is now lost and alone on the unknown streets of London. Chosen by the Sect as vessel for the soul of an ancient Egyptian High Priestess called Nebetah, Angel has begun to transform into a mummy.
Angel now finds herself pursued by, not only, agents of the Sect of Annubis, but also their sworn enemies, The Pyramid Club and Ammit, a huge demonic hell-hound from the Ancient Egyptian Land of the Dead. Ammit’s task it is to bring Nebetah back to the Land of the Dead. With time running out, Angel must find sanctuary before her soul is devoured by Nebetah…
Torchwood #4
Writers: Carole E. Barrowman, John Barrowman
Artist: Antonio Fuso
The Navigators need Jack’s help to battle an alien threat from his past – but he’s an ocean away and several bullet holes from being able to help them out! Gwen finds herself torn between two worlds, as Jack’s quest threatens everything she holds dear – including the very core of Torchwood itself! And the Committee want the Ice Maiden and its crew – and its advanced, alien technology – for their own purposes, and they’ll kill anyone who gets in their way! The first arc of the ongoing Torchwood saga ends – but what a cliffhanger! We’re back with more shocks and surprises – and the full creative team – for #5!
Warhammer 40000 Will Of Iron #3 (of 4)
Writer George Mann
Artists Tazio Bettin & Enrica Eren Angiolini
World War X #1
Writer:Jenny Frison
Artist: Peter Snejbjerg
- On the Moon, a monstrous alien creature awakens from a centuries-long sleep, determined to put an end to mankind. Humanity’s only hope? Helius, a tired and battle-weary veteran of an ancient war…
Titan Comics Collections
Writer: George Mann
Artist: Emma Vieceli
From a sleepy Welsh village under attack from living art, to symbiotic shards on a crystalline planet, from a theater haunted by the Silvered, to a stately home overrun by the ancient woods, and on to the great Resurrection Barges of the Bakti, the eighth Doctor and new companion Josie Day are on course for a grand adventure like no other! And what is the surprising secret Josie has carried with her all along? Collects Doctor Who: The Eighth Doctor #1-5.
Writers: Ben Aaronovitch & Andrew Cartmel
Artist: Lee Sullivan
Colors: Luis Guerrero
Press-ganged into helping a Russian oligarch hunt his missing daughter, PC Peter Grant and his boss, Thomas Nightingale, London’s only wizarding cops, find themselves caught up in a battle between Russian gunmen, a monstrous forest creature, and their nemesis: The Faceless Man. But as Grant and Nightingale close in on the missing girl, they discover that nothing about this case is what it seems! An all-new story that takes place before the new Rivers of London novel, The Hanging Tree!
Writer: Garth Ennis
Artist: Keith Burns
The legendary British comics character returns! Rogue British pilot, Johnny ‘Red’ Redburn, and the battle-hardened pilots of Russia’s Falcon Squadron are once again battling the might of Nazi airpower over the blood-soaked crucible of Stalingrad. However, their war is about to become far worse when they uncover a devastating secret that puts them in the sights of not just the Nazis but their own side as well!
Collects Johnny Red #1-8
New US Comics On Sale in UK Comic Shops
For details of every US comic release (and more) in all comic shops, visit Diamond Comics Previews page. Not every comic shop stocks the full range but every comic can be ordered from your local comic shop
• No local comic shop? Order online from ForbiddenPlanet.com – using this link supports downtthetubes

• Check out our British and Irish Comic Shops Map | Art by Nick Miller. We’ve got a range of merchandise featuring this art on sale via CafePress
Dark Horse Comics
Aliens Life And Death #4 (of 4)
Black Hammer #6
Briggs Land #5
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 #2
Dark Horse Presents #29
Dead Inside #1
Dept H #9
Ether #2
Spell On Wheels #3 (of 5)
Tomb Raider 2016 #11
Usagi Yojimbo #160
DC Comics
All Star Batman #1 Directors Cut
Aquaman #13
Batman #13
Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #3
Cyborg #7
Green Arrow #13
Green Lanterns #13
Harley Quinn #10
He Man Thundercats #3 (of 6)
Injustice Ground Zero #2
Justice League #11
Justice League Suicide Squad #1 (of 6)
Lucifer #13
Mad Magazine #543
Nightwing #11
Raven #4 (of 6)
Suicide Squad Most Wanted #5 (of 6) El Diablo & Amanda Walle
Superman #13
Teen Titans Go #19
Trinity #4
Back To The Future #15
Gumballs #1
Jem Misfits #1
Locke & Key Small World
My Little Pony Friends Forever Micro Comic Pack
My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic #49
Star Trek Green Lantern Vol 2 #1
Star Wars Icons Micro Collector Pack
Super F*Ckers Forever #5 (of 5)
TMNT Universe #5
The X-Files X-Mas Special 2016
Image Comics
Demonic #5 (of 6)
Fix #7
Horizon #6
Hunt #5
Lake Of Fire #5
Peter Panzerfaust #25
Southern Cross #10
Marvel Comics
Amazing Spider-Man #22 CC
Avengers #2.1
Black Panther World Of Wakanda #2
Cage #3 (of 4)
Captain America Sam Wilson #16
Deadpool And Mercs For Money #6
Doctor Strange #15
Gamora #1
Gwenpool #9
Invincible Iron Man #2
Marvel Universe Guardians Of Galaxy #15
Mighty Captain Marvel #0 Now
Occupy Avengers #2
Patsy Walker Aka Hellcat #13
Power Man And Iron Fist Sweet Christmas Annual #1
Punisher #7 Now
Silver Surfer #8
Solo #3
Spider-Gwen #15
Squadron Supreme #14
Star Wars Doctor Aphra #2
Star-Lord #1
Thanos #2
Ultimates 2 #2
Uncanny X-Men #16 Ivx
Venom #2
Other Publishers Comics
4 Kids Walk Into A Bank #3
Adventure Time Comics #6
Aftermath Big Clean #4
Alters #3
Animosity #4
Archie #15
Backstagers #5 (of 8)
Black Hood Season 2 #2
Bloodshot Usa #3 (of 4)
Disney Star Vs The Forces Of Evil #3
Divinity III Stalinverse #1
Equilibrium #2
Executive Assistant Iris Enemies Among Us #1
Garth Ennis Red Team Double Tap #6 (of 9)
Grand Passion #2 (of 5)
Green Hornet Reign Of Demon #1 (of 4)
Harbinger Renegade #2
Hero Cats #14
Joyride #8
Jughead & Archie Winter Annual Digest #24
Kiss #3
Klaus & Witch Of Winter One Shot
Kong Of Skull Island #6 (of 6)
Lady Mechanika La Dama De La Muerte #3 (of 3)
Nights Dominion #4
Pathfinder Worldscape #3 (of 6)
Peter David Artful #1
Simpsons Comics #235
Slam #2
Spirit Hunters #2 (of 12)
Street Fighter Unlimited #12
Vampblade #11
WWE Then Now Forever #1 (2nd Ptg)
Graphic Novels and Collected Editions
A&A Adventures Of Archer & Armstrong Trade Paperback Volume 2 Romance And Road Tri
Amazing Spider-Man Epic Collection Great Responsibility Trade Paperback
Betty and Veronica (Fairy Tales)
Black Widow Trade Paperback: Web Of Intrigue
Charlaine Harris Grave Surprise Hard Cover
Disney Gravity Falls Cinestory Trade Paperback Volume 3
EC Archives Crime Suspenstories Hard Cover 2
Elephantmen Mammoth Trade Paperback Volume 2
Escape From New York Trade Paperback Volume 4
Essential Kurtzman Hard Cover Volume 2 Trump Complete
Gemini Complete Series Trade Paperback
GI Joe IDW Collection Hard Cover Volume 7
Giant Size Little Marvel Trade Paperback AVX
Gun Theory Hard Cover
Herald And Tesla Tying The Knot Trade Paperback
Homies David Gonzales Retrospective Hard Cover
Irredeemable Premier Edition Hard Cover Volume 3
Mandrake The Magician Hard Cover Volume 2 Cobra
Manifest Destiny Trade Paperback Volume 4 Sasquatch
Marvel Universe Avengers Ultron Revolution Digest Trade Paperback Volume 1
Maxx Maxximized Hard Cover Volume 7
Metal Men Full Metal Jacket Trade Paperback
ODYC Hard Cover Volume 1 Cycle One
Patsy Walker Aka Hellcat Trade Paperback Volume 2 Dont Stop Me-Ow
Sonic The hedgehog Volume 4: Control
Suicide Squad Trade Paperback Volume 5 Apokolips Now
Superman Action Comics Hard Cover Volume 9 Last Rites
Superman Action Comics Trade Paperback Volume 8 Truth
Superman Wonder Woman Hard Cover Volume 5 Savage End
Superman Wonder Woman Trade Paperback Volume 4 Dark Truth
Symmetry Trade Paperback Volume 2
Teen Titans Year One New Edition Trade Paperback
Throwaways Trade Paperback Volume 1
TMNT Meeting Of The Mutanimals Hard Cover
Ultimates: Omniversal Trade Paperback Volume 2 Civil War II
Vampirella Hollywood Horror Trade Paperback
Venom Separation Anxiety Trade Paperback – New Printing
Independent Graphic Novels
Archie Giant Comics- 75th Anniversary Book
Brighter Than You Think 10 Short Works By Alan Moore (Uncivilized Books)
Dreams in thin air (Conundrum)
Equinoxes (Fanfare)
The Life and Legend of Wallace Wood Volume 1 (Fantagraphics)
We Told You So – Comics as Art (Fantagraphics)
Juxtapoz #192
Marvel Fact File #196
Marvel Fact File #197
Marvel Fact Files Special #24 War Machine
Blue Exorcist Volume 16
Afterschool Charisma GN Volume 12
Assassination Classroom Volume 13
Attack On Titan: Lost Girls The Manga Volume 1
Black Clover Volume 4
Complex Age Volume3
Devil’s Line Volume 4
Fairy Tail Master’s Edition Volume 3
Fairy Tail: Twin Dragons Of Saber Tooth
Food Wars Volume 15
Haikyu!! Volume 6
Happiness Volume 1
Kiss Him, Not Me Volume 8
Kuma Miko GN Volume 2
Kuroko’s Basketball Volume 3
Maga-Tsuki Volume 6
Naruto Itachis Story Volume 2 Midnight [Novel]
One Piece 3-In-1 Volume 18
Please Tell Me! Galko-Chan Volume 1
Spoof On Titan Volume 2 (Attack On Titan)
Tokyo Ghoul Volume 10
Tomie Hard Cover
Support your local comic shop!
Sources: David Lloyd, DC Thomson, First Age Comics, Orbital Comics, Rebellion, Titan Comics
- About the Author
- Latest Posts
The founder of downthetubes, which he established in 1998. John works as a comics and magazine editor, writer, and on promotional work for the Lakes International Comic Art Festival. He is currently editor of Star Trek Explorer, published by Titan – his third tour of duty on the title originally titled Star Trek Magazine.
Working in British comics publishing since the 1980s, his credits include editor of titles such as Doctor Who Magazine, Babylon 5 Magazine, and more. He also edited the comics anthology STRIP Magazine and edited several audio comics for ROK Comics. He has also edited several comic collections, including volumes of “Charley’s War” and “Dan Dare”.
He’s the writer of “Pilgrim: Secrets and Lies” for B7 Comics; “Crucible”, a creator-owned project with 2000AD artist Smuzz; and “Death Duty” and “Skow Dogs” with Dave Hailwood.
Categories: 2000AD, British Comics, British Comics - Current British Publishers, downthetubes Comics News, downthetubes News