A Tale of Shadows is a 28 page fantasy comic. After “The Machine” is turned on by Felix, technology has arrived to the town of Wavefront, dividing the population between the spiritual and scientific. Leaving Felix to suffer the consciences of his actions.
Described as “a unique, fully-realized fantasy adventure infused with teen angst, gritty atmosphere, and thoughtful world-building.” by Jason Wilkins at brokenfrontier.com, the second book promises to build on the first, and explore the population of Wavefront, who are divided between the spiritual and the scientific.
And if you missed the first book, never fear! A pdf copy will be included at every pledge level, making the series easy to get involved with.
The Tale of Shadows team plan to make five books in total, and say they have them all planned out. You can enjoy a preview of the first few of pages of A Tale of Shadows: Cause and Effect below.
• You can get your hands on the second book by checking out the Kickstarter page here
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